Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

NURS 621

Guidelines -Culturally Sensitive Population Care Management Plan Paper

Overview of paper’s purpose:It is now time to bring the information together that you have learned over the semester and to develop a culturally sensitive population care management plan to address a specific mental health care disparity for the specific population that you select.


In this paper, you will begin to bridge the gap between identifying a mental health care disparity and taking an action step forward to design a plan to correct it.  The purpose of this plan is to present to three (3) organizations or leaders for implementation.  In your written plan you will include three (3) possible funding organizations that you will seek to support your plan.  In the future,you will be able to present this plan to organizations and or leaders that you think would be interested in partnering with you to implement the plan and address the mental health care disparity. Nursing homework help

Helpful Tips: Below are some helpful tips and a template for you to use when you develop your paper.  It is very important that you use the template headings and address the specific information under each heading.

  • Make sure to set the paper up in APA format and provided a cover page with the title of your paper, your name, the course number, and your professor’s name
  • Make sure each page has a page number on it Nursing homework help
  • Make sure the reference page begins on a separate page and is double spaced
  • Check your paragraph structure and make sure you have at least 3 sentences in a paragraph and no more than 5-6 sentences


Template with section headings:

Assignment # 3: Culturally Sensitive Population Care Management Plan for an Underserved Community(10-12 pages excluding title page and references and appendix with list of organizations and links)

  1. Overview of population: includes RECENT demographic information on the estimated number of individuals in the community, the age range of this population, and a description of the environment they live in; provides 3 examples of cultural values and practices that impact the chosen population when a member seeks mental health care services and follows the health care providers’ instructions; includes 3 information examples on this population’s perceived value of health and access to mental health care; describe if members of this population arewilling to pay for mental health care services or mental health care insurance or if they believe it should be provided to them at no cost.
  2. Mental health disparity that needs to be addressed:describe, using RECENT (not older than 5 years) available peer-reviewed evidence, a specific mental health care disparity in this population; three (3) causes of the disparity, and what initiatives have taken place to address the disparity (including what has worked and what has not worked). Describe what needs to be done now and in the future to address this mental health disparity.
  3. Cultural competency model being applied and cultural considerations when planning care to address the mental health disparity: apply three (3) concepts from the chosen cultural competency model when conducting the assessment for mental health disparities in this patient population. Describe how you conducted the assessment of the cultural values and norms of this population using the cultural competency model.
  4. Strategies for eliminating mental health disparity: describe five (5) evidence-based strategies for eliminating the identified mental health disparity
  5. Proposed care management plan and implementation steps:describe the care management plan and at least six (6) specific steps that need to be taken to implement this plan. Include who will be carrying out the specific implementation steps and the timeline for completing the steps.
  6. Organizations to consider for grant funding:provide three (3) names of organizations that you can apply for grant funding to support implementing your Population Care Management Plan; include information on the title of the grant being applied for and a link to the grant guidelines from each of the organizations in the appendix.
  7. Measuring outcomes on mental health care disparity post implementation of care management plan:describe three (3) specific measurable outcomes to evaluate the plan’s success after implementation; describe who will collect, synthesize, create the outcomes report, and distribute the data. Determine and describe the specific tools that will be used to collect data, who will collect the data, and three (3) distribution channels that you will use to disseminate the findings
  8. Summary: 2-3 paragraphs summarizing each of the prior sections to use as an executive