Data Stewardship and the National Health Information Network (NHIN)
Data Stewardship and the National Health Information Network (NHIN)
Research health data stewardship and in your post show why it is important. Why does it matter in the discussion of a national health information network (NHIN)? Assess how the architecture of the NHIN permits this.
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Discussion should be around 300 words. Give you personal opinion in two different paragraph to Patricia Fonseca and  Zachary Rayburn with a total of two pages

Patricia Fonseca 
Data Stewardship is the crew members responsible for keeping the healthcare data safe. These are the technology personnel we call when things go bad with the system (Health Data Stewardship and its importance in Healthcare Analytics, 2018). These staff members also distribute access and control, generate audit trail reports and correct corrupt files are just a few examples of the work they do.
NHIN is a set of standards, services, and policies that enable secure health information exchange over the Internet, and the job of the stewardship is to ensure it remains secure across the internet during the exchange.  As a result of federal, state and local policies and laws various groups formed the Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA).  In order for 2 companies or agencies to interchange healthcare information, there must be a valid process to enable the information to be exchanged securely (NHIN, n.d.).  The Federal Health Architecture program helped develop software to link the federal system to the NHIN via software called CONNECT (NHIN,n.d.).
Nationwide Health Information Network. (n.d.). What is NHIN? Retrieved from–2.pdf
Health Data Stewardship and its importance in Healthcare Analytics. (2018, October 17). Retrieved from

 Zachary Rayburn 
What is health data stewardship and how does it play a role with the NHIN? First we must look at what these two things are individually to then see how they play a role together. Health data stewardship according to The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) (2009) is the responsibility guided by principles and practices to ensure the appropriate use of an individual’s personal healthcare data. What that means is that the person that is using a patient’s data is using it appropriately and not misusing it in any shape or fashion. Now the NHIN according to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (2010) is a set of standards, services and policies that enable the secure exchange of one’s health information over the internet. Now you can understand how the two play a role into each other. As long as the data steward is not acting maliciously then patients information should not end up in the wrong hands. With the exchange being done via the Internet it does permit the opportunity for a patient’s information to potentially be intercepted. With the NHIN though there are gateways set up for the confidential transfer of a patient’s healthcare data. (DHHS, 2010)
Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Exchange Architecture Overview. Retrieved from
National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics. (2009). Health Data Stewardship: What, Why, Who, How. Retrieved from