Examine current health care marketing techniques in television, the Internet, radio, or any other media source.

Write a 900 -word reflection essay on current health care marketing techniques. Examine current health care marketing techniques in television, the Internet, radio, or any other media source. Some examples include, but are not limited to, advertising trends in pharmaceutical marketing, promotion of specialized clinics and hospitals, public relations events related to health care, or sales promotions of health care products or services. Address the following points in your essay. • What is your opinion on current health care marketing techniques and trends? • Do you feel current marketing techniques are affecting consumer trends? If so, how? • Do you see any positive or negative impacts on health care workers due to current marketing techniques and trends? Note. This is an opinion essay; therefore, references are not necessary. However, provide references should you use a specific example or resource in your essay.


You are having a discussion with your coworkers about what constitutes quality in health care and why these are the essential components of quality. Answer the following questions: What are the components of quality? What 3 ways can you create quality within the healthcare orgazinization for the patient? Who are your customers and what does it take to satisfy the customer? What are the customers service expectations and how do they vary between the different types of customers 3 to 4 Para.