A major theoretical perspective (such as a nursing theory) you use in your nursing practice

PDR-224033 Theoretical perspective ( such as Nursing theory) Assessment 1: Discussion Paper Weighting: 50% Word count: 2500 words Aim of Assessment The aim of the assessment task is to provide the student with the opportunity to discuss the applicability and importance of theory guided nursing practice, including the discussion of their application of a major espoused theory and exploration of their own theory-in-use and how this impacts on their own nursing practice. Assessment task Discuss: • A major theoretical perspective (such as a nursing theory) you use in your nursing practice; • Your own personal theory of nursing; • The applicability and importance of theory guided nursing practice, with particular emphasis on your own nursing practice. Details Reed (2006) argues that “when nurses deliberately use their theories in practice, they can facilitate processes that significantly benefit patients, nurses, the healthcare system, and the broader environment” (p. 328). Greenwood (2000), however, argues that there is a substantial theory-practice gap between the nursing theories nurses claim they use in practice (espoused theories) and the actual theories they use in practice (theories-in-use) which may have “important implications for the quality of nursing practice” (p. 9). Discuss. Assessment Objectives: • Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discuss why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. • Discuss your own personal theory of nursing, including your beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these concepts as you understand them. • Discuss how your own personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on your actual nursing practice • With particular reference to current (from 2010 onwards) academic literature, discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to your own nursing practice in particular. 10 pages, 10 APA references