As part of the assignment, you will be taking on the role of a bachelor’s-prepared nurse and discuss the leadership and management strategies and actions you would use to address the situation.

providing a summary of the experience. As part of the assignment, you will be taking on the role of a bachelor’s-prepared nurse and discuss the leadership and management strategies and actions you would use to address the situation. Address all components found in the scoring rubric since this will be used to determine your grade for this assignment. This assignment accounts for 15% of your course grade. This assignment is limited to 4 – 6 pages (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) and must be in the form of a scholarly paper written in APA format.


Module Outcomes:

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Summarize a communication conflict experience;
Analyze barriers to effective communication;
Discuss leadership characteristics and styles that contribute to conflicts;
Evaluate management strategies that can be used to resolve conflict.
Course Outcomes:

The course outcomes addressed in this module are:

CO1: Compare differences in leadership and management styles, skills, and practice behaviors.
CO3: Apply effective communication strategies when leading and managing members of the health care team.
CO6 Incorporate leadership values, skills, and commitment to excellence into professional nursing practice.

1) Identify an interdisciplinary/interpersonal communication conflict that you experienced during your career and provide a summary of the event that includes a description of the event, the members involved, and the immediate outcome or result.

2) Analyze and discuss the barriers that existed that prevented effective communication. Consider factors such as language, literacy, cultural, generational, and gender differences, along with professional role differences and power/authority dissimilarities.

3) Discuss the leadership characteristics and styles that you believe were either evident or absent that contributed to the communication conflict.

4) As a bachelor’s prepared nurse, what management strategies and actions would you use to address and resolve the initial conflict? What long term communication strategies and solutions would you use to establish interpersonal/interdisciplinary relationships that foster safe, quality patient care?

This assignment is limited to 4-6 pages (excluding the title page, abstract and references) and must be in the form of a scholarly paper written in APA format. Please add your paper as a Word .doc or .docx file as an attachment.