describe a global health problem that can be explored through research, discuss how this health problem is applicable in both the United States and other countries of the world, and critique four research studies that have been done on this topic.

Paper Requirements: Using what you have learned from your assigned reading, please write a review of the literature paper using APA format. This paper will include Appraisal Synopses of four (4) nursing research studies. (You will learn how to do a Research Appraisal Synopsis for your Learning Activities. This is explained in Chapter 16 of your Evidence-Based Nursing third edition textbook, and a completed Sample Appraisal is on pages 401-404). After deciding on a clinical topic that is relevant to global health, you will access the FIU Library and conduct a Literature Review on your topic for Part B of your paper. You will select four studies and complete a Synopsis Appraisal for each study. The research study articles selected for each Synopsis must be of original nursing research studies, not integrative review articles, and the studies must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Review Chapter Three on reading research articles before selecting the four studies for this paper. At least TWO of the four research study articles MUST BE written by nurses and published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal. At least ONE of the two nursing research studies must be about nursing in another country (non-USA).

The purpose of the paper is to describe a global health problem that can be explored through research, discuss how this health problem is applicable in both the United States and other countries of the world, and critique four research studies that have been done on this topic.
This is a scholarly paper, written as if it were a “Review of the literature” article published in a nursing journal.
DO NOT use first person voice. The paper should be 6-8 pages (maximum of 8 pages, not counting the title page, abstract page and reference list). You must use a minimum of 4 research articles for your paper. You may use any of the nursing research journals from your weekly assigned websites. The research study articles will be discussed in the text of the paper, properly cited in the paper, and then properly listed on your reference page. APA format for citing in the text and then citing on the reference pare are required. Use what you have learned about research methods, research studies, and how to read a research article, to select your research study articles. Refer back to Chapter 3 – “Starting Point”- and use those criteria to determine if you have correctly selected a research study article. You will receive or lose points on correct selection of a research study article versus a non-research or review article. At least TWO of the four research study articles MUST BE written by nurses and published in a peer-reviewed nursing journal. At least ONE of the two nursing research studies must be about nursing in another country (non-USA).

PART A. The first part of the paper should clearly define the global health problem, and discuss why it is important for nursing (why you have chosen this topic to write about). Also discuss how this problem is viewed in the United States and then how it is viewed in at least one other country. For example, if you discuss elevated blood pressure in adults, you may discuss guidelines for defining hypertension in the United States (reference the article where the guidelines came from, using APA format). Then find an article from another country and discuss how hypertension is described in that country (reference the article using APA format).

PART B. The second part of the paper will include an Appraisal Synopsis for each of the research studies that you have selected on your topic. This part of the paper will inform the reader about what is known about this problem in the United States population and in at least one other country of the world. For example, in the topic of hypertension, you may choose four research study articles done by nurse researchers that looked at such issues as interventions to improve medication adherence, or adherence to a prescribed diet, or the effect of an exercise intervention in reducing elevated blood pressure. Set up your paper using the following format: Use the heading Part B for this section.

Then use the subheading Study #1; Nursing research Study in the USA. Then appraise and critique the article following the components of Synopsis (textbook pages 401-402).Type the study name, author(s), year of publication, journal and pages, using APA format (same format as will be used on your reference page). Then do a Synopsis of the article. Conclude by discussing implications for practice, policy or further research.

Next use the subheading Study #2-Nursing Research Study Non-USA. Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Next use the subheading Study #3 (this can be a nursing research study from USA or non-USA). Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Next use the subheading Study #4 (this can be a nursing research study from USA or non-USA). Follow the same instructions as for Subheading Study #1.

Part C: This is the conclusion of your paper, and summarizes the key points that you have addressed in your paper.