List the reasons that prompted the student to seek the education necessary to transition from a licensed practical nurse t o a professional registered nurse.

Question Description

Assignment Objectives: (APA FORMAT) 5 pages paper not including the cover page. 

At the end of this assignment the LPN transition student will be able to:

  • List the reasons that prompted the student to seek the education necessary to transition from a licensed practical nurse t o a professional registered nurse.
  • Label the fears that the student is feeling at the start of the nursing program.
  • Determine the barriers that may currently exist or that the student anticipate having to overcome which may affect academic performance.
  • List ways the student plans on addressing those fears and barriers.
  • State at least 3 short and long term goals the student has for his or her nursing career.

ATTENTION: I have already started the writing, I just need  it to be revise for better grammar and english and I need some addition in to it because I need 5 pages for this assignment.  See attached file. thank you

Question Description

Per the text, when patients cannot receive needed medical care, nursing services, or rehabilitation therapies in a community-based setting, they are typically admitted to a long-term care facility, where medical care is traditionally delivered by physicians and / or practitioners with advanced qualifications. All nursing services in long-term care facilities are delivered by a nursing staff which is headed by a Director of Nursing (DON). Compare and contrast the roles of the medical director and the DON. Select the role which has the overall greater impact on patient care. Provide a rationale for your response. Imagine that you are responsible for staffing a long-term care facility with sixty (60) full-time residents. Propose your strategy of selecting the key staff members, and specify their main roles and responsibilities. Support your selections