Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post : A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx What have you learned and will it make a difference? In my welcome letter to you, I indicat

Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post :  A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx  What have you learned and will it make a difference? In my welcome letter to you, I indicat

Please In 2-3 paragraph respond to this post : 

A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-2.docx 

What have you learned and will it make a difference?

In my welcome letter to you, I indicated that every class should change your thinking about the focus of the class. Again read the provided ” A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study”.  This is the same document you were provided during Week 1. Has your ability to read with understanding changed? Briefly share your thoughts regarding this experience. In this discussion forum  from a “qualitative approach” briefly reflect on what you have learned about nursing research, evidence based nursing and its impact on you as a professional nurse earning a baccalaureate degree in nursing.  From a “quantitative approach”, reflect on your response to the scale of your reading and understanding of nursing research you identified in week 1. How has it changed? What activities most contributed to your enhanced knowledge base?  

Additionally, I would like you to discuss your preparedness to respond to the Institute of Medicine’s mandate that “Participants have set a goal that, by the year 2020, 90 percent of clinical decisions will be supported by accurate, timely, and up-to-date clinical information, and will reflect the best available evidence* (IOM, 2007).   What strategies can you personally implement to address this mandate on a personal/professional level beyond obtaining your baccalaureate degree in nursing? What is the state of your employing institution (no need to name your institution-just identify if it is an acute care setting, long term setting etc) in addressing this mandate since it was initiated in 2007 and with only 1 year left?  Will your employing institution meet the mandate? Initiate a discussion regarding this mandate with a managerial/administrative/ person in your employing institution to gain their perspective on evidence based practice. Here is a website that you can select to review to gain information on this directive. If possible, informally ask some of your nursing colleagues if they are aware of the mandate. What challenges do you foresee to the implementation of evidence-based nursing practice in your workplace?

Lastly, discuss how you would identify the “best available evidence” and what is the  significance of “Level of Evidence” as it relates to evidence that informs your nursing practice. 

It is expected in this forum that you use/implement the appropriate nursing research terminology. Hint: consider your words like research, prove etc. 

Also my initial respond about level of understanding of  article”A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study-“from week 1 was: 

“I read the document ” A Walk Through The Steps of a Nursing Research Study”, my comfort level in reading and understanding this document was satisfying me since I got all explanation very organized and well formated that made it easy to read and get the idea.My knowledge base of nursing and all types of researches was my effective tool to understand most of the document. From quantitative approach I can rate my comfort level 8 out of 10, which I am still happy to this level of understanding.”

Now by the end of this course is expected that my level of understanding increased, so you know how to answer this question compare to my initial post from first week.