1. Distinguish between random and assignable variation. Discuss the relevance of each to measuring quality of care and to the design and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives.

Assignments must be submitted as a Worddocument. If I cannot readily read your format, then it will be returned with a note and a score of zero. PDFs and “screen shots” are not acceptable since t

Assignments must be submitted as a Worddocument. If I cannot readily read your format, then it will be returned with a note and a score of zero.  PDFs and “screen shots” are not acceptable since they do not allow ready application of comments on your submission. The submission must be double-spacedwith 11 or 12 inch Times Roman font.  You must use APA Stylefor parenthetical citations and full references for the parenthetical citations.

You acknowledge that the work that you submit is your own.  Plagiarism earns an F on the assignment.  A second offense earns an F for the course. This will put your continuation in the program in jeopardy. Public health clients trust us. I trust you. If you violate that trust, how can I trust you to place people into your care? Trust is hard won. Once it is lost, it is extremely difficult to restore.  Your word is your bond.  Trust is the “coin of the realm” in academia, professional, and community life. I strongly urge you to make use of the Writing Center if there is any doubt about plagiarism.  You have resources online at Purdue OWL for plagiarism and APA style.

Your weekly submission must demonstrate that you have read the material. One sure way to do this is by citing pages from the readings where appropriate to support the claims that you make in your submission. I would expect several different citations from the readings. Plus, I would expect at 2 citationsfrom the peer-reviewed research literaturefor each questionin the assignment.  If there are two questions, then a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed research citations is required. You’re in graduate school so the expectation is that you read and become familiar with the relevant literature to inform your understanding. It’s a professional expectation. Get help from the Writing Center or Research Librarian if you don’t know how to review the literature and incorporate your findings into your submission.

1.     Distinguish between random and assignable variation. Discuss the relevance of each to measuring quality of care and to the design and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives.

2.    Using the most recent statistics (not older than 2017), how many people are covered by employer-sponsored health insurance? SCHIP? Medicaid? Medicare? Uninsured?   Include citations and full references for sources.  Knowing what sources are credible is a key step in evaluating the quality and strength of evidence in an evidence-based healthcare system.


Earp, J. L., French, E., & Gilkey, M. B. (2008). Patient advocacy for health care quality: Strategies for achieving patient-centered care. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Joshi, M., Ransom, E. R., Nash, D. B., & Ransom, S. B. (2014). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.