Answer the following questions:

Make sure you have read Kessler text, Chapters 40 – 42, and watched the video: The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Four Sweet Tips from Dr. LustigAnswer the following questions:To what extent do you thin

Make sure you have read Kessler text, Chapters 40 – 42, and watched the video: The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Four Sweet Tips from Dr. Lustig

Answer the following questions:

  • To what extent do you think you and/or others can or will put into practice each of the following: the essential principles that lie at the foundation of Food Rehab, planned eating, and letting go of the past?
  • Have you ever put any of the principles of Food Rehab, planned eating, and letting go of the past into practice, consciously or unconsciously?  If so, to what extent were they effective in helping you and/or others to treat conditioned hypereating?
  • If you have a spouse and/or children, to what extent do you think you can or will put into practice each of the above for your family, your spouse and/or children?
  • To what extent do you think you can or will put into practice the four sweet tips provided by Dr. Lustig in the video?

Evaluation Criteria

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings in the instructions with proper APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style formatting.