Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment

Postoperative Care and Stroke Assessment

NUR2755 Clinical Simulation Prepwork

Day 1


DirectionsComplete the following questions utilizing your textbook for the course and any other necessary outside resources. Sources need to be cited using APA (7th Edition) format. Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment


Part I. Post-Surgical Care

  1. List 8-10 nursing assessments that are often performed in the postoperative period.


  1. List 3 nursing diagnosis relevant to the postoperative period, in order of priority, using full format (“r/t”, “s/t”, “aed”, etc.).


  1. List 6 goals for the postoperative period using the SMART goal format.



Part II. Cerebrovascular Accident

  1. What is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)?




  1. A CVA results in brain damage secondary to decreased               delivery to the brain. Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment


  • Label the parts of the brain on the following diagram. In the area below, identify the primary functions of that area of the brain.


  1. There are three cerebral arteries that branch from the carotid arteries (internal and external). What are they and to which area of the brain do they supply blood?


  1. When a patient is suspected to have suffered a stroke, what are the initial steps of care? (Procedures, imaging studies, labs, medications, etc.) Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment


  1. Compare and contrast the two major classifications of stroke. (What is the cause of neurological deficits in each? Who is primarily at risk for each type of stroke?


  Ischemic Hemorrhagic
Primary cause of neurological deficit:    
Risk factors:    
Incidence & Prevalence:    

(Medications, nursing care, medical treatments, etc.)

  1. Atrial fibrillation is a major risk factor for ischemic stroke. Why? Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment


  1. What is the goal systolic blood pressure (SBP) following a stroke? Why?


  1. If an ischemic stroke is suspected, tPA (Alteplase) should be given within _________________ (hours/minutes).


  1. In a patient diagnosed with ischemic stroke, what are some contraindications to giving tPA (Alteplase)? Postoperative Care And Stroke Assessment
  1. When looking at the prognosis of the two major types of stroke, which tends to be worse?
    • Ischemic
    • Hemorrhagic


Why do you think this type of stroke has a worse prognosis?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


