Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES

Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES Charlotte is a 13 year old girl who lives with her father and 

Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES

Charlotte is a 13 year old girl who lives with her father and her younger brother in a small house in the suburbs. Her mother passed away four years ago and Charlotte often stays with her grandmother during the week to be closer to school. Charlotte has made an appointment with the school nurse because she is concerned about when menstruation will commence. You are the school nurse working with Charlotte today.


the client must be assessed thoroughly i.e. developmental, physical, cognitive, psychosocial and cultural aspects. 
-Developmental – at least one theorist to describe the changes that occur during the developmental stage the client is in. 
-Physical –what is the normal physical development relative to the client? This could be a thing as growth, psychomotor skill, and deterioration of body systems with age. 
-Cognitive – what is the normal cognitive ability of the client, and link with appropriate developmental theorist/s here. 
-Psychosocial – includes social determinates, support structures, interpersonal relationships. 
-Cultural – family centred care, social determinants may be appropriate to mention. Consider social, cultural and family issues. Identify the client’s learning  needs, language skills, motivation, ability to learn, teaching environment and resources for learning.