Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice Week 1 Discussion DQ1 Healthcare is changing… 

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Healthcare is changing rapidly and ideas and methods that had value in the past need to be re-evaluated as we move towards healthcare reform, integrate evidence-based practice and/or best practices and work towards achieving positive patient outcomes and educate nurses who will be prepared to practice in this ever changing health care environment. Recall a situation when you were asked to perform a specific intervention and/or practice idea based on authority or tradition. Describe the the intervention or practice. Based on your knowledge of evidence-based practice, does this practice still hold value now? Use an Evidence-Based Guideline or nursing specialty organization Standard of Practice to support your answer.

DQ 2 According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing the Masters prepared nurse ” Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies research outcomes within the practice setting, resolves practice problems, works as a change agent, and disseminates results.” Many research ideas emerge from practice and/or the educational environment.Formulating a well-built research question is challenging. Asking the right question facilitates the search process when conducting a review of the literature. Read the article “Asking the clinical question: A key step in evidence-based practice found in the supplemental activities folder and review the slide presentation included in this unit. After reading the article and reviewing the slide presentation use the PICOT framework and practice creating a PICOT question. Create a PICOT question for a quantitative study and a PICOT question for a qualitative study that relate to your area of interest. Obtain an Evidence-Based Guideline (EBG), Standard of Practice, or Best practice in nursing education that pertains to your question. In responding to your colleagues’ postings offer alternative questions and rationales for your suggestions.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Review the slide presentation on reliability, validity and trustworthiness. Describe the scientific rigor associated with quantitative and qualitative research and the importance of reliability, validity in quantitative research, and trustworthiness in qualitative research. What are the differences among these concepts? Discuss types of validity and reliability and the components of trustworthiness. Provide some suggestions that will improve them when conducting quantitative and qualitative research studies.

DQ2 How do the sampling methods and sample sizes vary for the different types of quantitative and qualitative research? Using your research questions (qualitative and quantitative), what sampling method would you use to conduct your study? Why? How would you determine the sample type and size?

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 Locate a research study (2012 or later) on your topic of interest. Review the participants, procedures (methods section) of the article. Utilize the analysis questions below to guide your review of the overall risk/ benefits ratio. Be sure to provide a link to your article on the discussion board for your classmates(post your response to message box and attach a PDF file of artcile to this discussion board).

Do you think the benefits of this research outweighed the costs to participants-what is the overall risk/benefit ratio?

Does the report indicate that the study procedures were reviewed by an IRB or other similar institutional ethical review committee?

Would the participants in this study be considered “vulnerable”?

Were participants subjected to any physical harm or discomfort or psychological distress as part of the study? What efforts did the researchers make to minimize harm and maximize good?

Were participants deceived in any way?

Were participants coerced into participating in the study?

Were appropriate informed consent procedures used?

Was there full disclosure, and was participation voluntary?

Does the report discuss steps that were taken to protect the privacy and confidentiality of study participant?

DQ2 Adhering to ethical principles and protection of human subjects are important considerations in all forms of research. How stringent or similar should these ethical principles be to the standards placed on the conduction of clinical and/or educational research? Offer examples where controversy exists regarding application of ethical principles in evidence-based practice projects, best practices in education versus clinical research? Be sure to address HIPAA and FERPA depending on your focus – clinical practice vs academic education.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 The literature review is key to any research study or article development. It is important to review the literature within your own discipline, but also other disciplines which may confront similar issues or have related concerns. For example, practice issues in other health related fields often correspond to those confronted in nursing. Nursing education concerns may also be found in academic research within other disciplines outside of the health care field. What is the purpose of conducting an organized literature review? How will you approach this aspect of your research? What literature other than nursing literature do you feel may offer useful information? How might you incorporate these ideas into your proposal?

DQ2 Critical appraisals are used to broaden understanding and summarize evidence. This helps determine if research evidence is ready for practice. There are certain steps to conducting critical appraisals. Locate a scholarly journals article(s) and apply the steps of critical analysis found in your textbook.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Select one of the Models presented in this unit. Describe how this model would be effective for implementing EBP and/or Best practices in the practice, administration, or education setting. Consider how you might introduce this change. What barriers might you confront?

DQ2 According to Porter O’Gradey and Malloch (2015), “In the twentieth century the focus of work was on performing the right processes. In the twenty-first-century the focus is on obtaining the right outcomes” (p. 4). The purpose of using evidence to guide practice is to promote positive outcomes. How do you see yourself as a change agent guiding others to move from a process focus to an outcomes focus? Discuss this in relationship to your area of concentration – practice and/or education. Elaborate the rationale behind the change from process to outcomes.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Obtaining grants is an important aspect of research and provides funding for various projects that promote better patient outcomes and/or better educational outcomes. Based on your area of interest, conduct a search for possible grants that may be available to assist in funding your research idea and/or project. Describe your search strategy and discuss how you might go about applying for this grant.

DQ2 What is an “RFP?” How do you go about completing and submitting an RFP? Discuss the criteria for the RFP in the grant you selected for Week 6 DB#1.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Read the article by Aiken and associates. She has been exploring the topic of patient safety for a number of years and has been applying her research findings across international boundaries. Consider your topic of interest and the purpose for exploring this topic. What outcomes would you like to see emerge from this? How would you measure these outcomes? Include in your discussion an analysis of how Aiken measured her selected outcomes.

DQ2 Part I

Present your Final Research proposal PPT presentation to this discussion forum. The PPT needs to include your voice. You may do a voice over PPT presentation or use screen cast o matic for your presentation. Here is the link to the free version: This presentation also needs to be submitted through the submission link for grading.

Part II

Provide peer reviews to two other scholarly research proposals.

NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 8 Reflective Discussion

Reflect back over the term. What one thing did you learn in the course that you were able to apply in your work during the term? What one thing are you most looking forward to applying to your career in the future. What future trends may influence how nurses use evidence to improve the quality of patient care?

A reminder of the course objectives may help you reflect on this term:

1. Explain the purpose of nursing research in an evidence-based practice environment.

2. Differentiate qualitative and quantitative research in terms of philosophy, methodology, and outcome.

3. Critically analyze various types of research methods, designs, for scientific merit.

4. Investigate the literature to gain knowledge related to a select problem in education, administration or practice.

5. Evaluate the reliability, validity, and typical outcomes of instruments commonly used for nursing research.

6. Explore ethical principles as they relate to research and evidence-based practice

7. Design a research proposal that incorporates scholarly inquiry applicable to a select problem in nursing practice, education or administration.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

A Review on How to Access and Implement AHRQ's Evidence-Based Resources to Inform your Clinical Practice

Presenter: Sharon T. Constans, RN, MSN, Director, Hayes CARE and Managing Editor, Search & Summary, Hayes, Inc.

Nurse practitioners (NPs) and other advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are leading providers of health care services in the United States and will play an increasingly prominent role in patient care as access expands. NPs can play an important role in promoting evidence-based preventive health practices by, for example, incorporating recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) into clinical practice. AHRQ has incorporated USPSTF recommendations into the Electronic Preventive Services Selector (ePSS), which is a user-friendly evidence-based decision support tool designed for mobile technology. In addition, AHRQ has a number of other resources, such as the Effective Health Care (EHC) Program, which are designed to provide clinicians with current evidence on a wide variety of tests and treatments.

The purpose of this Webinar is to provide an overview of AHRQs evidence-based publicly available tools and resources to inform clinical practice.

View Course Content: Click Here

Target Audience: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Overall Learning Purpose/Goal:

This webinar aims to promote the value of, and inform participants about, the AHRQ evidence-based resources available to NPs, including the Electronic Preventive Services Selector (ePSS) tool and Effective Health Care (EHC) Program resources, and to offer participants techniques to use these resources in their daily practice to support clinical decisionmaking and to improve quality of care.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

Describe the 5 major steps in conducting a systematic review.

List the evidence-based resources available on the AHRQ Web site, including those available through the EHC Program.

Locate the resources available on the USPSTF Web site, including the ePSS tool.

Explain how the EHC Program resources, the USPSTF recommendations, and the ePSS tool can be integrated into APRN clinical decisionmaking.

Demonstrate how to download the ePSS application to a PDA or mobile device.

This program was planned in accordance with AANP CE Standards and Policies and AANP Commercial Support Standards.

If you have questions about the presentation, please e-mail us at:

This Webinar has been funded and developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) with Hayes, Inc. as a contractor; there has been no outside commercial support.

Presenter(s)/staff do not endorse any commercial services or products displayed in this Webinar.

Presenter(s)/staff have no conflicts of interest or relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Presenter(s)/staff do not recommend or endorse the off-label use of drugs, mechanical devices, biologics, or diagnostics not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This Webinar is not intended to promote any specific clinical intervention or as an evaluation of current clinical practice.

Introduction to topic Paper

This assignment is the first step in completing the final paper on a researchable topic in either nursing practice or nursing education. You will use this topic to guide the ethics topic assignment in Unit 3, the literature review in Unit 4 and the completed paper in Unit 6. . The purpose of the paper is to explore a clinical evidence based practice and/or best practices in nursing education. This paper will be completed in three steps: Step 1, the question you seek to answer; Step 2: A literature review; and Step 3: A final synthesis and analysis of what you discovered and areas open for further research. Please use AHRQ , an organizational evidence-based standard and/or applicable education Best Practice to guide your topic development. The introduction gives some history of the topic, the reason is important to nursing practice and/or nursing education, and the conclusion summarizes the first two parts and then provides a brief introduction to the next section, the literature review.

This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract will only be included in your final paper. Write a 2-3-page paper (not including title page and reference page) addressing the following:

Background of a clinical practice problem or educational problem related to your practice. The PICO(T) format is used to organize research evidence to address clinical problems. You will use the PICO(T) question to identify relevant studies needed to develop evidenced based practice or best practices in nursing education.

Ethical considerations for Research topic investigation

This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract is not required. Write a 3-4 page paper (in addition to the title page and reference page) addressing the following:

Ethical considerations for the topic selected in Unit 1

Headings to include:

Best practices and/or evidence-based practice

Identify Risks

Address HIPAA and/or FERPA concerns

Informed Consent components.

Conclusion – this section should also incorporate principles and concepts from the Belmont Report that apply to your topic of study.

Literature Review

This is Part 2 of your topic development – The Literature Review for the research question you identified in Week 1.

This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract will only be included in your final paper. Write a 4-5-page paper (in addition to the title page and reference page) for your literature review:

Select appropriate sources of evidence to support your research topic and compose a literature review supporting your proposal. Include a discussion regarding your investigation and search for the literature to gain knowledge related to your proposal. Please use appropriate headings. Sources are to be within 3-5 years unless the study was the “Mother of all Studies.” This means the earlier study precipitated all the research that followed. If you should use an historical study, be sure to include how the subsequent research supported the original study and/or negated the findings creating evidence that initiated a change in practice or beliefs.

Final Paper – Research proposal development

This is the last written assignment for your research proposal. Please review previous assignments and make revisions as indicated by feedback provided. The previous assignments, discussion boards, and identification of evidence based clinical practice or best educational practive were necessary for you to start the process of developing a proposal for a research proposal. You are not conducting original research; you will only be developing a proposal for future research. You identified a model to promote EBP clinical research and/or Best practices in nursing education in last week's discussion board. Please use model to organize your final proposal. In addition, integrate the Part 1 PICO(T) paper, Part 2 Literature review and this Part 3 to synthesize your findings and draw conclusions. Include in Part 3 how you might apply for funding for this project. Please use the Proposal paper outline provided for you during the first week as a guide for your paper.

This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract is required for this final proposal. The Final EBPG proposal requires 15-20 pages in addition to the title page, abstract page, and reference page.

Selection of Research Topic

Please choose a research topic to investigate from the list provided. If you are enrolled in the FNP concentration choose from the list of clinical topics. If you are enrolled in the Nurse Educator concentration choose from the list of education topics. Personal choice topics will not be entertained as these areas for research follow the guidelines of the agencies that develop accreditation and certification criteria.


Once you have selected your topic. Write 2-3 paragraphs supporting the rationale for your choice and how you will develop this topic. Using the PICO(T) format construct one quantitative question and one qualitative question setting the stage for developing your research investigation. Include a discussion on which research methodology you feel would be most appropriate for your investigation.

Research Topics for Proposal

Clinical Topics for investigation

Topics in chronic care across the lifespan





Chronic neurological disorders


Renal disease


Diagnosis and clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan

Pediatric disorders

Women’s health

Health promotion and preventive care issues ( See Healthy People 2020)

End of life care

Bullying and incivility in clinical practice

Prescriptive authority for APRNs

Educational topics for investigation

Use of audience response systems to engage students

Nurse educator shortage and impact on creating a nursing workforce

Effects of simulation on clinical skill development.

Creating a caring environment in nursing education

The challenges of teaching millennials in the classroom

Civility and incivility in nursing education

Best practices in online learning

Promoting engagement in the online classroom

Item writing and learner assessment

Educating new nurses for the 21st century

Incorporating technology into the classroom

Topics in clinical nursing education

Use of smart technology in the clinical area

Electronic medical records/health records


EBP/Best Practices PowerPoint Presentation

This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to present your proposal. Final proposal PPT assignment requires 10-15 slides to provide a synopsis of your proposal. The PPT needs to include your voice. You may do a voice over PPT presentation or use screen cast o matic for your presentation.

Here is the link to the free version:

Please see rubric for grading criteria. Points will be deducted for lateness.