Explain the reason for selecting topic one, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesisstatement.
Assignment 1: Research Topics with ExplanationDue Week 2 and worth 40 pointsRead through the list of research topics (located in the Appendix) on which to write a research paper.Select three (3) topics that interest you most and identify two (2) credible sources for each topic. Note:This is one of several parts that will build toward a final draft of your persuasive writing research paper.Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:1. Explain the reason for selecting topic one, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesisstatement.2. Explain the reason for selecting topic two, identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesisstatement.3. Explain the reason for selecting topic three, identify the audience, and provide a preliminarythesis statement.4. Identify and document six (6) credible sources (two (2) for each topic) that you would expect touse.Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on allsides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for anyadditional instructions.? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’sname, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included inthe required page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:? Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.? Associate the features of audience, purpose, and text with various genres.? Recognize correct APA documentation and reasons to document and avoid plagiarism.? Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics.? Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, andlanguage and writing skills, using the following rubric.Points: 40 Assignment 1: Research Topics with ExplanationCriteriaUnacceptableBelow 60% FMeetsMinimumExpectations60-69% DFair70-79% CProficient80-89% BExemplary90-100% A1. Explain the reasonfor selecting topic one,identify the audience,and provide apreliminary thesisstatement.Weight: 25%Did not submit orincompletelyexplained thereason forselecting topicone, incompletelyidentified theInsufficientlyexplained thereason forselecting topicone,insufficientlyidentified thePartiallyexplained thereason forselecting topicone, partiallyidentified theaudience, andSatisfactorilyexplained thereason forselecting topicone,satisfactorilyidentified theThoroughlyexplained thereason forselecting topicone, thoroughlyidentified theaudience, and ENG 215 – Assignments and Rubrics©2013 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary informationand may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission ofStrayer University.ENG 215 Student Version 1134 (1118 2-28-2013) Final Page 10 of 41audience, andincompletelyprovided apreliminary thesisstatement.audience, andinsufficientlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.partiallyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.audience, andsatisfactorilyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.thoroughlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.2. Explain the reasonfor selecting topic two,identify the audience,and provide apreliminary thesisstatement.Weight: 25%Did not submit orincompletelyexplained thereason forselecting topictwo, incompletelyidentified theaudience, andincompletelyprovided apreliminary thesisstatement.Insufficientlyexplained thereason forselecting topictwo,insufficientlyidentified theaudience, andinsufficientlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Partiallyexplained thereason forselecting topictwo, partiallyidentified theaudience, andpartiallyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Satisfactorilyexplained thereason forselecting topictwo,satisfactorilyidentified theaudience, andsatisfactorilyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Thoroughlyexplained thereason forselecting topictwo, thoroughlyidentified theaudience, andthoroughlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.3. Explain the reasonfor selecting topicthree, identify theaudience, and providea preliminary thesisWeight: 25%Did not submit orincompletelyexplained thereason forselecting topicthree,incompletelyidentified theaudience, andincompletelyprovided apreliminary thesisstatement.Insufficientlyexplained thereason forselecting topicthree,insufficientlyidentified theaudience, andinsufficientlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Partiallyexplained thereason forselecting topicthree, partiallyidentified theaudience, andpartiallyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Satisfactorilyexplained thereason forselecting topicthree,satisfactorilyidentified theaudience, andsatisfactorilyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.Thoroughlyexplained thereason forselecting topicthree,thoroughlyidentified theaudience, andthoroughlyprovided apreliminarythesisstatement.4. Identify anddocument six (6)credible sources (two(2) for each topic) thatyou would expect touse.Weight: 15%Did not submit orincompletelyidentified anddocumented six(6) crediblesources (two (2)for each topic)that you wouldexpect to use.Insufficientlyidentified anddocumentedsix (6) crediblesources (two(2) for eachtopic) that youwould expect touse.Partiallyidentified anddocumented six(6) crediblesources (two (2)for each topic)that you wouldexpect to use.Satisfactorilyincompletelyidentified anddocumentedsix (6) crediblesources (two(2) for eachtopic) that youwould expectto use.Thoroughlyincompletelyidentified anddocumentedsix (6) crediblesources (two(2) for eachtopic) that youwould expectto use.5. Clarity, writingmechanics, andformattingrequirementsWeight: 10%More than 8errors present7-8 errorspresent5-6 errorspresent3-4 errorspresent0-2 errorspresent
This is a copy of the appendixTopics / Questions Student Name CourseSection1) Should regulations be changed regarding the hydraulicfracturing of shale to produce natural gas?2) Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year bechanged?3) Should affirmative action laws be changed?4) Should Transportation Security (TSA) regulations bechanged?5) Should regulations for stem cell research and use bechanged?6) Should regulations for home schools be changed?7) Should funding for the U.S. space program be changed?8) Should changes be made to the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA)?9) Should changes be made to the regulations for foodsthat are served in public schools?10) Should changes be made to regulations for mentalhealth drugs for minors?11) Should regulations be changed regarding geneticallyaltering plants and/or animals?12) Should the Family and Medical Leave Act be changed?13) Should changes be made to the U.S. immigrationpolicy?14) Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased tohelp pay for rising medical costs?15) Should regulations regarding the use of cell phoneswhile driving be standardized?16) Should recycling regulations be standardized across allregions and states?17) Should the U.S. develop more energy sources such as ENG 215 – Appendices©2013 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary informationand may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission ofStrayer University.ENG 215 Student Version 1134 (1118 2-28-2013) Final Page 40 of 41solar power and wind energy?18) Should the instant replay used in the NFL be applied toother sports?19) Should regulations regarding payment of collegeathletes be changed?20) Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried asadults?21) Should regulations regarding public employee unions’right to strike be changed?22) Should child welfare regulations be changed?23) Should changes be made to the No Child Left BehindAct?24) Should English be made the official language of theUnited States?25) Should DUI (driving under the influence) laws bechanged?26) Should the U.S. build more nuclear power plants for anenergy source?27) Should employers with 401K plans for employees berequired to have an “opt out” policy rather than an “optin” policy?28) Should sex offender registration laws be changed?29) Should laws governing student laws be changed?30) Should laws governing credit card companies bechanged?31) Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?32) Should children of parents who do not allow them to bevaccinated be allowed to attend public school?33) Should unemployment regulations and benefits bechanged?34) Should rules requiring all members of a jury to agree forconviction be changed?35) Should financial incentives be offered to high schoolstudents to perform well on standardized tests?36) Should the government offer tax credits for the purchaseof hybrid or alternative energy vehicles?37) Should the U.S. Government prohibit companies fromoutsourcing jobs to people in foreign countries that donot have unions and / or fair labor laws?38) Should the U.S. government provide financial assistanceto people whose retirement funds were invested in thestock of companies that may have used unethicalaccounting practices (e.g., Enron, Arthur Andersen, ENG 215 – Appendices©2013 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary informationand may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission ofStrayer University.ENG 215 Student Version 1134 (1118 2-28-2013) Final Page 41 of 41etc.)?39) Should citizens be permitted to carry a concealedweapon to their workplace (e.g., office, school,construction site)?40) Should the U.S. Tax Social Security income ceilings forcontributions be raised?41) Should colleges and universities expel students who arecaught cheating on exams and / or plagiarizing theirhomework assignments?42) Should the U.S. prohibit trade with countries that havepoor records on human rights?43) Should vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, SUVs) be requiredto have backup cameras?44) Should the states be allowed to determine the dates oftheir primary elections?45) Should tax vouchers be provided to parents who sendtheir children to private schools?46) Should banks be allowed to charge fees for using Debitcards?47) Should the U.S. require all S.S. recipients to have theirchecks delivered to a bank account rather than by mail?(To go into effect in 2013)48) Should all U.S. students be required to take three yearsof foreign language in high school?49) Should the state and / or federal government providesubsidies to organic farmers?50) Should the U.S. eliminate farm subsidies?51) Should all states require motorcyclists and passengersto wear helmets?52) Should non-instructional services (e.g., food service,janitorial service) be provided by contract services ratherthan by school employees?53) Should state and local governments provide healthinsurance only for retirees who have served 20 years ingovernment service?54) Should your state or local government enact differentlaws regarding certain animals (e.g., pit bulls)?55) Should the federal government require mandatoryservice of all citizens between the ages of 18 and 35?