Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with mental health conditions

HLTEN510B Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with mental health conditions ASSESSMENTS.. 

HLTEN510B Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with mental health conditions 
Assessment for Mental Health will involve: 
• Assessment Task 1 Short answer questions on Moodle 50% 
• Assessment Task 2 Role Play 70% 
• Assessment Task 3 Written Report 70% 
This report will be handed to the educator at the conclusion of the role play 
Working individually, you will write a report on the topic assigned by your teacher for a mental health disorder. 
Research this condition, which must be classified under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM IV). 
You will be required to make a presentation of this illness in the form of an interview and be required to answer questions on the nature, cause and risks inherent within the illness. 
This assessment will be presented during session 14. 
Group presentation role play as nurse, family and patient( Topic Delirium) 
Step 1 : Outline the scenario and identify the problems that lead to the patient presenting to hospital for admission. 
These details should present a clear understanding of how the disorder impairs the person’s ability to live a normal life. 
Step 2: Select a person to be interviewed as the patient. 
This person will present as clearly as possible, evidence of the signs and symptoms of the disorder and capture some of the emotive issues that accompany the disorder. 
Step 3: Outline the type of treatment likely to be received including medications, therapies and nursing interventions. This presentation should also include information on after hospital care. 
Step 4: Present the potential risk issues of nursing clients with this disorder and the risks likely to be faced in the inpatient setting. You must also provide an indication of the prognosis of disorder: 
a) if treated and responding to therapies 
b) if untreated. 
• You also need to submit a written report of 1000 words in length (+/- 10 %) 
• You need to use Harvard referencing where appropriate. 
• Your written should be double spaced 
This report is due with the role play presentation on session 14. 

This report will need to cover the following five required areas: 
1 The occurrence of the disorder (Occurrence – Patterns and frequency). 
2 The aetiology of the disorder (Aetiology = All the factors involved in causing the disorder). 
3 The clinical presentation of individuals with the disorder/ manifestation (signs and symptoms). 
4 The therapeutic and nursing interventions utilised to manage and or alleviate the disorder. (For nursing interventions use NANDA nursing diagnosis and think about nursing interventions from these diagnoses. Use the nursing process). 
5 Identify relevant health and community services/agencies available to support individuals and or families with this particular mental health disorders. 
You may like to collect relevant brochures, pamphlets and other primary health material relevant to this disorder and submit them with your assignment. 
HLTEN510B Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with mental health conditions 
Assessment Task 2 : Oral Presentation / Interview 
STUDENT NAME: __________________________________________________ 
STUDENT GROUP: _________________________________________________ 
DATE: ____________________ Lecturer: ____________________________ 
Assessment Criteria – Oral Presentation / Role Play Mark 
Presentation of details, outline of scenario, identifies the problems that lead to the patient presenting to hospital for admission. These details should present a clear understanding of how the disorder impairs the person’s ability to live a normal life. Excellent content 
Very good content 
Good content 
Average content 
Poor content 5 

One person will be interviewed as the patient; this person will present as clearly as possible evidence of the signs and symptoms of the disorder and capture some of the emotive issues that accompany the disorder. Excellent content 
Very good content 
Good content 
Average content 
Poor content 5 

One person will outline the type of treatment likely to be received including medications therapies and nursing interventions. This presentation should also include information on after hospital care. Excellent content 
Very good content 
Good content 
Average content 
Poor content 5 

One person to present the potential risk issues of nursing clients with this disorder and the risks likely to be faced in the inpatient setting. You must also provide an indication of prognosis of disorder: a) if treated and responding to therapies and b) if untreated. Excellent content 
Very good content 
Good content 
Average content 
Poor content 5 

Team work: 
• Did the students work as a team to put the presentation together? 
• Did the role play / presentation demonstrate clarity and fluency? Excellent team work 
Very good team work 
Good team work 
Average team work 
Poor team work 5 

Assessor Name: 
Assessor Signature 

HLTEN510B Implement and monitor nursing care for clients with mental health conditions 
Assessment Task 3 : Written Report 
STUDENT NAME: ________________________________________________________ 
STUDENT GROUP: ________________________________________________________ 
DATE: ____________________ Lecturer: ___________________________________ 
CRITERIA Marks allocated Mark achieved 
• Understanding of the key issues Excellent understanding 
Very good understanding 
Poor understanding 5 

• Report addresses five required area’s Addresses all five area’s comprehensively 
Addresses all five area’s briefly 
Addresses area’s poorly or not at all 5 

• Evidence of background reading and research Excellent research 
Very good research 
Poor research 5 

• There is clarity of ideas and thoughts 
Excellent clarity 
Very good clarity 
Poor clarity 4 

Report is accompanied by relevant pamphlets and brochures Excellent relevant material 
Sufficient relevant material 
No relevant material produced 

• Other authors’ work is acknowledged 
• In text referencing follows accepted format 
• Reference list is provided 
• Reference list follows accepted format Excellent referencing 
Good referencing 
Poor referencing 3 

Comments Weighting 25% of total mark 
Lecturer Signature: ________________ Date: ___________________________