Models of Transcultural Nursing

Week 1 Discussion Latest 2018 March Week 1: Models of Transcultural Nursing 8989 unread… 

NR391 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 1: Models of Transcultural Nursing

8989 unread replies.117117 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO1 Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO 1)

Chapter 1 of Andrews and Boyle (2016) discusses Leininger's sunrise model of transcultural nursing. However, other models are described and are important to acknowledge as well.Besides Leininger's model, what others are available? Describe one model and how you might apply it to your practice setting. An excellent resource may be found at the Transcultural Nursing Society's website ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) Click on the Theories tab.

NR391 Week 2 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 2: Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment

7070 unread replies.122122 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO2 Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO 3)
  • CO4 Perform a culturally-competent nursing assessment. (PO 7)

Nurses complete assessments on individuals on a daily basis. Self-assessments are in order before considering our abilities to provide culturally competent nursing care.

1. Complete the Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment Form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

2. Note the number of “no” answers in your self-assessment.

3. Share one or two of your “no” answers with your classmates and describe how you will convert the “no” to a “yes” over the next few weeks.

4. What interventions are needed to turn each “no” into a “yes” response?

NR391 Week 3 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 3: Healthcare Needs of a Specific Minority Group

9393 unread replies.116116 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO2 Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO 3)
  • CO4 Perform a culturally-competent nursing assessment. (PO 7)

Describe the healthcare needs of a minority group in your city or town.

  • Briefly describe the characteristics of the minority group.
  • What opportunities do you see for improving the health of this group?
  • How would you communicate their healthcare needs to people of authority? Use titles instead of names to identify these individuals.
  • What is the role of the BSN-prepared nurse in enhancing communication skills related to cultural needs of this minority population?

NR391 Week 4 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 4: Common Illnesses and the Use of CAM

7777 unread replies.126126 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO1 Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO 1)

Our patients come to us after exploring various avenues of self-help. At times, these avenues involve the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Select a common (or not so common) illness/ or condition that affects a specific ethnic group/ or cultural group or vulnerable population.

1. Name the condition/ or illness and the group/ or population.

2. Identify two (2) CAM therapies that patients are likely to try before seeking (or in addition to) allopathic, osteopathic, or ayurvedic medical intervention for the illness or /condition.

3. Discuss the effectiveness of each therapy you identified.

4. Describe how you would answer an individual who asks you for your professional advice about the use of these CAM therapies.

Note: Do not discuss an illness/ or condition about which a classmate has already posted. The diversity will lead to a more robust discussion. There are many examples you may discuss, including sickle- cell disease in African Americans, constipation in the elderly people, or the use of Reiki for mental and emotional healing by Japanese people. Think of others from your practice settings or prelicensure experiences.

NR391 Week 5 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 5: Transcultural Perspectives Across Lifespan

6767 unread replies.114114 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO2 Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO 3)
  • CO4 Perform a culturally-competent nursing assessment. (PO 7)

Select and read ONE of the chapters of particular interest to you listed in Assignments under Required Readings. Discuss what information you should obtain to develop and implement culturally appropriate care plans for an individual of this group. A brief case study or exemplar may be one way to present your information. For example, how would you provide culturally- appropriate care for an elderly female who is Muslim and presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain?

NR391 Week 6 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 6: Standards of Practice

7979 unread replies.114114 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO3 Describe standards of practice for culturally competent nursing care. (PO 6)

The basis for our lesson this week came from the Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care Executive Summary, Transcultural Nursing Society: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Your nursing leader has decided that the department needs to better incorporate these Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care into the nursing care delivery model at your organization. There are 12 Standards.

  • Read the Executive Summary.
  • Select ONE one of the 12 Standards in the Summary.
  • Does your department or /organization currently give credence to this standard? If so, how? Think about the standards as they relate to culturally sensitive care.
  • If not, offer suggestions of how the standard can be incorporated into patient care or your organization as a whole.

Note: There are 12 standards, so make sure you choose a standard that another student has not described. We all have different takes on a standard so the standard should be specific for the patient population or organization. The typical number of students in a class means that we should only read about a particular standard twice. And, keep in mind that each of us does not work in an acute care setting, so examples from other practice settings will add to our discussion.

NR391 Week 7 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 7: Workforce Diversity

7575 unread replies.113113 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO2 Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO 3)

As nurses, we often work with physicians or other healthcare team members whose native language is not English. In fact, some of you may have interviewed a non-native English speaker for your Course Project.

1. Share an example of miscommunication that has occurred as a result of this disparity.

2. Reflect on your new-found knowledge of transcultural nursing, and describe how this miscommunication could have been prevented.

NR391 Week 8 Discussion Latest 2018 March

Week 8: Professional Insight

4848 unread replies.6060 replies.

This week's graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).

  • CO5 Discuss the implications of global nursing for healthcare delivery systems. (PO 7)

Reflect on the Transcultural Nursing Self-Assessment that you completed during Week 2. Not all of us will have the opportunity to participate in an international nursing experience for even a few weeks, let alone as a career. However, if assuming you had the opportunity to practice this type of nursing, consider how you would answer the following questions. Make sure you address all components below:

  1. What contributions would you be able to make that would be considered unique?
  2. What experiences and wisdom would you bring to the care of your patients?
  3. What challenges might there be for you and/or your family for participation in such an opportunity?

NR391 Week 3 Course Project Milestone 1 Latest 2018 March

Course Project Milestone 1: Interviewee Profile Guidelines


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by conducting a transcultural nursing assessment.

The purpose of Milestone 1 is to identify an adult who is not a relative who is willing to be interviewed for a transcultural nursing assessment, and to secure the instructor's approval for the interview. Note: the actual interview does not occur until Milestone 3. It is not a purpose for this assignment.

Course Outcomes

The completion of the Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO #1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO #1)

CO #2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO #3)

CO #4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO #7)


The entire project is worth 600 points.Milestone 1 is worth 100 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR391 Milestone 1: Interviewee Profile Form by 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.

You are required to use the linked form or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required form will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation.

After the due date, there will be no opportunity for revision or resubmission of assignments that have been uploaded to the submission area. It is your responsibility to submit the correct assignment to the correct submission area.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Review the guidelines for Milestones 1, 2, and 3, paying particular attention to Milestone 1. The guidelines are described on the assignment pages for the milestones in Modules 3, 4, and 6. Also, read the Course Project page under the Introduction & Resources Module for more details. Pay special attention to the Tips for Successful Course Projects.

2. Identify a potential interviewee who has been living in a culture other than the one of origin for at least the past 3-5 years. The interviewee could be a patient, friend, or colleague, such as a physician or acquaintance, but cannot be a relative. The interviewee must be living in your community and must be currently receiving or have previously received healthcare services in your community. The individual's race, ethnicity, language, religion, and culturally-based beliefs about healthcare and illness should be quite different from yours. The interviewee must speak your language. An interpreter is not permitted for the actual interview, which occurs in Milestone 3 (Week 6).

3. Interviewees can come from a variety of settings. Recent immigrants, migrant workers, refugees, coworkers, physicians, patients, and individuals who have recently moved to your community are some suggestions. Ideally, this individual was not born in the United States and his/her culture of origin is significantly different from yours. Work with your instructor prior to submitting Milestone 1. Approval must be provided by your instructor before submitting Milestone 1 (this assignment).

4. Speak with the individual and obtain permission to conduct an interview later in the course. Clearly explain that statements made in the interview will be recorded (written) and submitted to the instructor only. It is not intended for public access. Anonymity will be maintained by using first and last initials only. Do not use names in any of your documents.

5. Download the NR391_Interviewee_Profile_Form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Although you are not conducting the official interview until Milestone 3, it will be necessary to obtain some general information about your interviewee to complete Milestone 1. This information may come from the individual or Internet sources.

6. Fill in information about the potential interviewee using the form. This does not require APA formatting, but you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling.

NR391 Week 4 Course Project Milestone 2 Latest 2018 March

Course Project Milestone 2: Interview Guide & Questions Guidelines


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by conducting a transcultural nursing assessment. The purpose of Milestone 2 is to develop an interview guide utilizing open-ended questions that will encourage participation by the interviewee.

Course Outcomes

The completion of the Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO#1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO#1)

CO#2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO #3)

CO#4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO#3)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 2 is worth 200 points of this total.

You are required to use the linked form or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required form will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation.

After the due date, there will be no opportunity for revision or resubmission of assignments that have been uploaded to the submission area. It is your responsibility to submit the correct assignment to the correct submission area.

Requirements and Guidelines

  1. Review the directions and best practices found in the Course Project page located under the Introduction & Resources Module.
  2. Research your interviewee's cultural background prior to developing questions. What impact may the culture have on the interviewee's physical health, that is, what illnesses and conditions are prevalent in this culture? What are commonly held beliefs about health in the interviewee's culture of origin that could influence the interviewee's perception of healthcare and health practices in the current culture? Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five (5) categories upon which you will concentrate for your interview guide and questions.
  3. Develop an interview guide and questions with specific initial and follow-up questions. Include questions that reflect an understanding of the categories (Appendix A) that you selected about the influence culture may have on the interviewee.

4. Review the Differences Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions document (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use the suggestions to formulate your initial and follow-up questions.

5. Download the Milestone 2 Interview Questions Form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

  1. Fill in information about the interview guide and questions using the form. This does not require APA formatting, however, you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling.
  2. Submit the completed Milestone 2 Interview Questions Form by the Sunday of Week 4 by 11:59 p.m. MT.
  3. Prior to submission of Milestone 3, revise the Interview Guide and Questions based on instructor feedback.

NOTE: Do not schedule the interview to occur until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 to allow your instructor time to grade your Milestone 2 Assignment unless you have obtained special permission from your instructor.Do not conduct the interview until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 for the same reasons. If the interviewee's schedule requires that you conduct the interview before this day and time, consult your instructor regarding early submission of the Interview Guide and Questions to ensure that you receive comments in time to incorporate revisions before the interview. Make sure you obtain his/her permission before proceeding.

NR391 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3 Latest 2018 March

Course Project Milestone 3: The Interview Guidelines


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by conducting a transcultural nursing assessment. The purpose of Milestone 3 is to conduct an interview as part of a transcultural nursing assessment, and conduct an interview. You will submit a written document reflecting on concepts of transcultural nursing related to the interview.

Course Outcomes

The completion of the Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO #1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO#1)

CO #2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO #3)


The entire project is worth 600 points.Milestone 3 is worth 300 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR391 Milestone 3: The Interview by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 6.

Requirements and Guidelines

  1. Schedule a time to meet with the interviewee to conduct a face-to-face interview. You may not conduct the interview by phone call, e-mail or by asking the interviewee to fill in a form. You must be able to understand your interviewee. An interpreter is not allowed.
  2. Do not conduct the interview prior to Week 6 in order to receive feedback from your instructor regarding Milestone 2: Interview Guide and Questions prior to meeting. This will allow you time to make adjustments in your questions if needed. If the interviewee's schedule requires that you conduct the interview prior to Week 6, consult with your instructor regarding early submission of Milestone 2 to ensure that you receive timely feedback before the interview occurs.
  3. Conduct the interview in a professional manner using the preapproved questions (Milestone 2).
  4. The Interview Assignment must be able to be submitted to the course, and opened by the instructor for review using MS Word 2010 or later.
  5. Submit the completed Interview assignment by the Sunday of Week 6 at 11:59 p.m. MT. The length of your assignment should be no more than five to six typed, double-spaced pages.
  6. There is no designated form for the assignment. The formatting of the Questions and Answers is at the discretion of the student.