Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discusses why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice.

eferencing: APA style. From 2012 to recent from peer reviewed academic journals, preferably from… 

Referencing: APA style. From 2012 to recent from peer reviewed academic journals, preferably from nursing journals.

Number of referencing: 7

Please write an essay with introduction and follow all the criterias which has been given below.

You can write heading as follows in this essay:

1.       Introduction

2.       Any one of the Espoused theory relevant for my nursing practice

3.       My personal theory

4.       Four paradigms of nursing and relation between them

5.       Development of own personal theory and its impact on practice

6.       Importance and applicability of theory-guided nursing practice

7.       conclusion

Before you start assignments please check the attachment.

1. Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discusses why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discusses why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discusses why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. Discuss one major theoretical perspective, such as a nursing theory, that currently guides your nursing practice and discusses why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on your nursing practice. •2.Discuss your own personal theory of nursing, including your beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these concepts as you understand them. 3. Discuss how your own personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on your actual nursing practice 4. With particular reference to current (from 2011 onwards) academic literature, discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to your own nursing practice in particular.

The work is to be structured as a formal essay, with a relevant introduction, body of work and conclusion, however, headings and subheadings may be used. • The assessment task as set must be adequately and appropriately addressed. • There must be clear identification and evidence of understanding of major issues, with evidence of critical examination of issues, including sound arguments and positions adequately supported by academic literature as appropriate and required. • When presenting your own reflections and ideas in relation to your own personal theory of nursing, it is appropriate to use the first person; however, elsewhere use of the third person is required.

• The work is to conform to the conventions of academic writing, with logical flow of ideas, clarity and conciseness of expression, non-discriminatory use of language, and consistently accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph construction

You are required to have at least five (5) recent (i.e. from 2012) references from peerreviewed academic journals, preferably from nursing journals. All sources of information must be adequately acknowledged by correct and complete referencing. References must be: in the APA style, adequately and correctly given, both in text and in the final reference list, and in strict accordance with the Western Sydney University (2016) American Psychological Association referencing style guide.

Please follow this criteria and you can keep headings too.



• It is important that you read and reference Greenwood (2000) and Reed (2006) (see unit essential readings) to enable you to understand what is meant by and how to apply the major terms: • Theory • Espoused Theory • Theories in Use • Theory practice gap. • Please see Unit vUWS site re access to these essential readings.

 • Greenwood, J. (2000). Nursing Theories. An introduction to their development and application. In J. Greenwood (Ed.), Nursing theory in Australia: Development and application (2nd ed.) (pp. 1-19). Frenchs Forrest NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

• Reed, P. G. (2006). The dialogue within nursing theory-guided practice: a frontier of knowledge development. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19 (4), 328- 333.


 • Introduce the topic.

 • Define the major terms and describe how they will be applied in the paper

 • Provide overview of what the paper will cover

• Thesis statement: State the aim of the paper

Criteria 2 –Discussion of one major theoretical perspective currently guiding own nursing practice, including why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on own nursing practice

Criterion 2 – Discussion (continued) Discussion of one major theoretical perspective currently guiding own nursing practice, including why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on own nursing practice

Criterion 2 requires discussion of espoused theory. Espoused theories: the theories /conceptual models that people claim they hold and guide their practice. “ When someone is asked how he would behave under certain circumstances the answer he usually gives is his espoused theory of action for that situation . This is the theory of action to which he gives allegiance and which upon request he can communicate to others” ( Argyris & Schon, 1974, pp.6-7) “ The concepts underpinning theories or models of nursing and the nursing process approach to care are components of the espoused theories of nursing theorists and academics – that is, the theories they claim to hold (Argyris and Schon, 1974)…therefore, they are also the espoused theories of nursing undergraduates and graduates. They are acquired consciously” (Greenwood, 2000, p. 7).

Criteria 2 – Discussion (continued) Discussion of one major theoretical perspective currently guiding own nursing practice, including why this perspective was chosen and how it guides and impacts on own nursing practice This criteria requires that you discuss your espoused theory of nursing practice. Ensure you address this criteria (see Learning Guide and Marking Criteria) by

• Identifying your own current area and level of nursing practice.

 • Discussing ONE major theory or theoretical perspective (such as nursing theory ) and how, where and why you apply it in your nursing practice and with what impact on your nursing practice.

 • For example: • If you are a clinical nurse educator you may be using Benner’s Novice to Expert theory to guide your practice in educating, mentoring and preceptoring nursing staff in the organization.

 • If you are practicing as a registered nurse in the mental health nursing context you may be using Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations.

 • If your nursing practice area is Medical Surgical Nursing and your level of practice is as a beginning nurse practitioner your espoused theory of nursing that you may claim mainly guides your practice is Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory, or Kolcaba’s Comfort theory.

Criteria 3: Discusses own personal theory of nursing, including own beliefs and values in relation to the concepts of health, nursing, person and environment and the relationships between these two concepts.

• Argyris and Schon (1974) claim people have mental maps which guide their way to act in situations. (Theories in Use) and these strongly guide they way they actually act more than the formal theories and conceptual models that they espouse guide their practice.

• People are not generally aware of their own personal theories of nursing .

 • Criteria 3 requires you to discuss your own personal nursing theory-in-use.

• Identify, describe and discuss how you define and what you mean by the 4 concepts: Health: Person; Nursing: Environment and how these impact, influence and guide influence your nursing practice and the quality of the nursing care you give.

 • Discuss what your beliefs and values are that underpin how you view, define, give meaning to the concepts of Person, Health, Nursing and environment. That is, how they are the basis or the underpinnings of your own nursing theory-in-use, and impact on your nursing practice.

• When presenting your own reflections and ideas in relation to your own personal theory of nursing, it is appropriate to use the first person; however, elsewhere use of the third person and referencing of all sources is required. Including in this section if you refer to another person’s ideas, words, etc. (See also designated style manual and Turnitin Report).

Criteria 4: Discuss how your personal theory-in-use developed and how it impacts on your own actual nursing practice. • Discuss how you came to develop how you define, view and give meaning to the concepts of Person, Health, Nursing, Environment. That is discuss how your nursing theory-in-use developed. • For example, did your concept of nursing develop from being nursed, seeing a family member being nursed, watching nurses in their practice, from your family, peers, other? How did this influence the development of the concept and how you nurse others in practice. How does it guide your practice and impact on the quality of your nursing practice. • When presenting your own reflections and ideas in relation to your own personal theory of nursing, it is appropriate to use the first person; however, elsewhere use of the third person and referencing of all sources is required.

Criteria 5 With particular reference to the current literature discuss the importance and applicability of theory guided nursing practice in general and to own nursing practice in particular. • You are required to have at least five (5) recent (i.e. from 2012) references from peer-reviewed academic journals, preferably from nursing journals. All sources of information must be adequately acknowledged by correct and complete referencing. References must be: in the APA style, adequately and correctly given, both in text and in the final reference list, and in strict accordance with the Western Sydney University (2016) American Psychological Association referencing style guide. Available from: http://library.westernsydney.edu.au/main/sites/default/files/cite_APA.pdf • The quality of your discussion will be influenced by the quality of supporting literature and how it is used. There must be clear identification and evidence of understanding of major issues, with evidence of critical examination of issues, including sound arguments and positions adequately supported by academic literature as appropriate and required.

Criteria 6: Conclusion • The conclusion should provide a relevant, adequate summative conclusion based on the preceding points, arguments and issues raised in the discussion paper. No new information should be introduced in the conclusion.

Criteria 7 – References • When presenting your own reflections and ideas in relation to your own personal theory of nursing, it is appropriate to use the first person; however, elsewhere use of the third person is required. • You are required to have at least five (5) recent (i.e. from 2012) references from peer-reviewed academic journals, preferably from nursing journals. All sources of information must be adequately acknowledged by correct and complete referencing. References must be: in the APA style, adequately and correctly given, both in text and in the final reference list, and in strict accordance with the Western Sydney University (2016) American Psychological Association referencing style guide. Available from: http://library.westernsydney.edu.au/main/sites/default/files/cite_APA.pdf The reference guide is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) American Psychological Association, 2010. Use of non-academic literature is not acceptable. Further, it is not acceptable to copy any information from other sources, including Websites or other electronic sources, other students, books, journals, etc., and present it as your own work (please see the Student Misconduct Rule policy) Note: The reference list is not included in the word count, but in-text references are counted

Criteria 8: Correct sentences, paragraphs, grammatical construction, spelling and punctuation • The work is to be structured as a formal essay, with a relevant introduction, body of work and conclusion, however, headings and subheadings may be used. • The work is to conform to the conventions of academic writing, with logical flow of ideas, clarity and conciseness of expression, non-discriminatory use of language, and consistently accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph construction

Criteria 9 -Clarity of expression throughout the work, with scholarly and non discriminatory use of language. Criteria 10 -Organized and Logical Sequencing