Nursing Philosophy & Standards

Nursing Philosophy & Standards – UTS Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Attributes – Nursing Essay… 

Nursing Philosophy & Standards – UTS Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Attributes – Nursing Essay Assessment Answers

Task: Nursing Essay Assignment

Personal Nursing Philosophy – this should demonstrate application of two (2) of the UTS Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Attributes

My Nursing Philosophy – Describe your nursing philosophy. For the Nursing Philosophy – What qualities do you think a good nurse should have? What do you think makes a good nurse? List the qualities that you bring to nursing, and explain why you believe these will assist you in being a good nurse.

Professional Nursing Standards – using the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (2016), describe how you intend to demonstrate the development of ONE (1) of the following standards in preparation for or when on clinical placement: Standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships OR Standard 6: Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice