Holistic Nursing, health and medicine homework help

Question Description

  • Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process
  • Discuss the differences in patient needs when developing a holistic plan of care
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between complementary and alternative medicine and western medicine
  • Describe the role of nutrition, exercise, humor and music therapy in complementary and alternative medicine
  • Discuss three main barriers to changing our current healthcare system to a more integrative system of care
  • Create a short summary of the case file (age, sex, diagnosis)
  • Complete a comprehensive, review of needs or problems discovered, and provide rationales and interventions to address the needs
  • Discuss implementation and evaluation of complementary and alternative modalities within the plan of care
  • Write a short summary in 2–3 paragraphs about the highlights of what this course added to your professional practice and the way you will practice nursing in the future
Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Discussed the principles of holistic nursing care.12
Discussed the four essentials of the holistic caring process.12
Discussed differences in patient needs when developing a holistic plan of care.12
Discussed the similarities and differences between complementary and alternative medicine and western medicine.12
Described the role of nutrition and exercise in complementary and alternative medicine.16
Discussed at least four therapeutic effects of humor and music therapy.16
Discussed three main barriers to changing our current healthcare system to a more integrative system of care.16
Created a short summary case file including age, sex, and diagnosis.16
Completed a comprehensive review of needs or problems discovered, and provide rationales and interventions to address the needs.16
Discussed implementation and evaluation of alternative and complementary modalities within the plan of care.16
Discussed how your nursing practice will be affected by complementary and alternative medicine.16
Writing components:Organization (16)Usage and Mechanics (16)APA (8)40

Must be APA formatted, 3-5 pages in length and have 6 references within the last 5 years