pubic health and community nursing

Question Description

Assignment 3: AssignmentPhase 1: Selecting the AggregateBy Week 1, Day 6, select and submit an aggregate to your instructor for approval.Select an aggregate for your Capstone project. Familiarize yourself with Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT)—The model for implementing Healthy People 2020. Utilize MAP-IT to select the aggregate. (Use MAP-IT in building your project from week to week.)In about two or three paragraphs, include information about the name of the aggregate, its geographical location and size, its population, and a brief history.You can choose an entire town or a small community, or even a neighborhood in a large city, but clearly describe your aggregate.Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project.Submission DetailsPhase 1: Selecting the AggregateName your document SU_NSG4075_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial_Phase1.doc.Submit your document to the W1 Assignment 3 Dropbox by Week 1, Day 6Your instructor will notify you by e-mail of the aggregates’ approval. This aggregate selection assignment will be graded on the Week 2 Assignment 2 rubric.