NU-740:Week 5 Assignment 3: SLO 3 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials

NU-740:Week 5 Assignment 3: SLO 3 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials

Value: Complete/Incomplete

Due: Day 3

Grading Category: Assignments


Student Learning Outcome 3

Develop systems supportive of effective communication at the organizational and interdisciplinary level.

DNP Essential Domain 1: Knowledge for Nursing Practice

Descriptor: Integration, translation, and application of established and evolving disciplinary nursing knowledge and ways of knowing, as well as knowledge from other disciplines, including a foundation in liberal arts and natural and social sciences. This distinguishes the practice of professional nursing and forms the basis for clinical judgment and innovation in nursing practice. NU-740:Week 5 Assignment 3: SLO 3 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials



Please complete the following:

  • Review the SLO and the DNP Essential.
  • Discuss how you plan to meet the SLOs and the Essentials at this stage of your SPP.
  • Review the entry-level and advanced-level sub-competencies in the DNP Essentials. Examine what may be applicable to your project.
  • Create a Word document that will become a living document, which you will continuously revisit and adapt as you progress through NU740–743. NU-740:Week 5 Assignment 3: SLO 3 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials
  • Upload your Word document to this assignment for instructor review and feedback.

The purpose of this assignment is to recognize how the SLOs and DNP Essentials influence your SPP and nursing practice. The goal is to document how you have met all nine SLOs and DNP Essentials upon DNP graduation.

In Week 13, you will post the completed Word document into your Core Elms ePortfolio.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

To Submit Your Assignment:

  1. Select the Add Submissions button.
  2. Drag or upload your file to the File Picker.
  3. Select Save Changes. NU-740:Week 5 Assignment 3: SLO 3 Integrating Student Learning Outcomes and DNP Essentials