NU-646: Week 10 Discussion 1: Provider Self-Care

NU-646: Week 10 Discussion 1: Provider Self-Care

Value: 100 points

Due: Create your initial response by Day 5, and reply to at least two of your classmates by Day 7.


In the resources section of Week 10, there are specifics related to self-care as a provider. Review the information and then consider what you have learned throughout the course thus far. Knowing your own personality and coping skills, what boundaries and self-care mechanisms do you have as goals to put in place to keep yourself healthy and deter burnout as a provider?

Your post should be a minimum of 300 words. Please do not include any sources. You are expected to describe your thoughts only for this discussion. NU-646: Week 10 Discussion 1: Provider Self-Care

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 10: Learning Materials



  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
    • Scan pp. 481–546
  • Rollnick, S., Miller, W. R., & Butler, C. C. (2010). Motivational interviewing in health care: Helping patients change behavior (PDF). The Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781593856120
    • Chapters 1–4
  • Corey, G. (2016). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage.
    • Review Chapter 7: Patient Centered Therapy
    • Review Chapter 13: Postmodern Approaches
  • Shea, S. C. (2017). Psychiatric interviewing: The art of understanding (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
    • Chapter 19: Transforming Anger, Confrontation, and Other Points of Disengagement
    • Chapter 20: Motivational Interviewing (MI): A Foundation Stone in Collaborative Interviewing. NU-646: Week 10 Discussion 1: Provider Self-Care




Motivational Interviewing: Evoking Commitment to Change Video (05:36 Minutes)

Motivational Interviewing: Evoking Commitment to Change Video Transcript

Motivational Interviewing Decisional Balance Video (10:00 Minutes)

Motivational Interviewing Decisional Balance Video Transcript





View these PowerPoint presentations to review key points from this module.

Final Thoughts: Self-Care for the Provider

Tip sheet: This tip sheet for self-care was written by the American Psychiatric Nurses Association organization specifically for psychiatric nurses. However, this applies to ALL providers in health care. Self-care is essential so that you can be healthy to continue to provide services for others to be healthy. Please care for yourself!

Secondly, here is an amazing article that discusses how even as a mental health worker, we are not immune from mental illness or the stigma.


TED talk video about self-care as a mental health provider:

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes (9:24 Minutes) NU-646: Week 10 Discussion 1: Provider Self-Care

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes Video Transcript