Descriptive epidemiology, case rates, and their use.

HCA402—Module #1: Written Assignment #1:

Please see the grading rubric in the syllabus for specific requirements. In general, topics

responses should be in the form of a short application paper, 2-3 pages in length in APA

formatting, not including the required cover page and page for your reference list used to write

about your chosen topics. In your paper: 1) introduce your topics, 2) discuss your topics, and

then 3) make a conclusion about your topics.

Pick one (1) item from each of the (3) topic areas that interest you the most. Use the topic

heading as a subtitle in your paper:

TOPIC 1: The physical, social, and environmental aspects of community health. 1. List and explain at least three physical factors affecting community health. 2. Explain how social norms may be a factor affecting community health. 3. Explain how President Eisenhower’s heart attack in the 1950s was a major community

health event.

4. Provide at least two community environmental health examples of progress stemming from the Health for All efforts.

5. Why does the United States see alcohol and other drug abuse in the 21st century as a community health concern?

6. Explain the framework of Healthy People 2020.

TOPIC 2: Global, national, state, and local community health structure and initiatives. 1. Describe the organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) and two of the six

points in the World Health Organization’s agenda.

2. Provide four examples of the 22 core functions of the World Health Organization. 3. List at least two federal agencies other than the Department of Health and Human

Services that contribute to the betterment of our nation’s health, and explain how they do


4. List and provide the key responsibility for at least three operating divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services.

5. Provide at least four barriers to coordinated school health programs. 6. List three categories of nongovernmental health agencies.

TOPIC 3: Descriptive epidemiology, case rates, and their use. 1. Define epidemiology, and explain why case rates are important to epidemiologists. 2. Explain the differences between incidence rates and prevalence rates. 3. Define morbidity reporting and vital statistics. 4. Explain why one would use an age-adjusted rate. 5. What questions are descriptive studies designed to answer 6. What are the three ways the objectives of the National Health Survey Act of 1956 are

HCA402—Module #1: Written Assignment #1:

Please see the grading rubric in the syllabus for specific requirements. In general, topics

responses should be in the form of a short application paper, 2-3 pages in length in APA

formatting, not including the required cover page and page for your reference list used to write

about your chosen topics. In your paper: 1) introduce your topics, 2) discuss your topics, and

then 3) make a conclusion about your topics.

Pick one (1) item from each of the (3) topic areas that interest you the most. Use the topic

heading as a subtitle in your paper:

TOPIC 1: The physical, social, and environmental aspects of community health. 1. List and explain at least three physical factors affecting community health. 2. Explain how social norms may be a factor affecting community health. 3. Explain how President Eisenhower’s heart attack in the 1950s was a major community

health event.

4. Provide at least two community environmental health examples of progress stemming from the Health for All efforts.

5. Why does the United States see alcohol and other drug abuse in the 21st century as a community health concern?

6. Explain the framework of Healthy People 2020.

TOPIC 2: Global, national, state, and local community health structure and initiatives. 1. Describe the organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) and two of the six

points in the World Health Organization’s agenda.

2. Provide four examples of the 22 core functions of the World Health Organization. 3. List at least two federal agencies other than the Department of Health and Human

Services that contribute to the betterment of our nation’s health, and explain how they do


4. List and provide the key responsibility for at least three operating divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services.

5. Provide at least four barriers to coordinated school health programs. 6. List three categories of nongovernmental health agencies.

TOPIC 3: Descriptive epidemiology, case rates, and their use. 1. Define epidemiology, and explain why case rates are important to epidemiologists. 2. Explain the differences between incidence rates and prevalence rates. 3. Define morbidity reporting and vital statistics. 4. Explain why one would use an age-adjusted rate. 5. What questions are descriptive studies designed to answer 6. What are the three ways the objectives of the National Health Survey Act of 1956 are

being fulfilled?

1. Define epidemiology, and explain why case rates are important to epidemiologists. 2. Explain the differences between incidence rates and prevalence rates. 3. Define morbidity reporting and vital statistics. 4. Explain why one would use an age-adjusted rate. 5. What questions are descriptive studies designed to answer 6. What are the three ways the objectives of the National Health Survey Act of 1956 are

being fulfilled?