Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

Throughout this course, you have analyzed your current work environment to identify the acquiring, developing, and training practices. Employees are the biggest asset and contribute to the culture and overall performance of the organization. This project requires you to determine how to leverage the human capital within your organization. Use the research you have complied throughout this course to determine how to appropriately develop and motivate your employees. Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

Develop a written proposal (1,000-1,250 words), discussing performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees. Your proposal must include the following:

  • Describe tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall employee performance on the job.


  • How will you identify an employee’s strengths and skills to leverage their performance?



  • Develop strategies to improve employee performance. How will you provide employees with rewards and incentives for performance improvement?


  • How will you integrate rewards and incentives to remain competitive in the marketplace and recruit and retain the employees?



  • Describe a vision for the overall culture you aspire to develop in your organization, relative to the employees being the biggest asset.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.




Tasks and Performance Indicators assessment

Tasks and Performance Indicators

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Tasks and Performance Indicators

5. Excellent

16.5 points

A comprehensive description of the tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall employee performance is included. Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

4. Good

14.36 points

A clear description of the tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall employee performance is included.

3. Satisfactory

13.04 points

A description of the tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall employee performance is included and minimally describes the tasks and performance of employees.

2. Less than Satisfactory

12.21 points

The written proposal does not include a description of tasks and performance indicators.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A description of the tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall employee performance is included but is incomplete or lacks details.

collapse Identifying Employee Strengths and Skills to Leverage Performance assessment

Identifying Employee Strengths and Skills to Leverage Performance

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Identifying Employee Strengths and Skills to Leverage Performance

5. Excellent

16.5 points

There is a well-developed description of leveraging on employee strengths and skills to improve performance.

4. Good

14.36 points

There is a detailed description of leveraging on employee strengths and skills to improve performance.

3. Satisfactory

13.04 points

There is some description of leveraging on employee strengths and skills to improve performance.

2. Less than Satisfactory

12.21 points

The written proposal includes a description of leveraging on employee strengths and skills but the description is incomplete or lacks details.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The written proposal does not include leveraging on human capital.

collapse Strategies to Improve Performance assessment

Strategies to Improve Performance

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Strategies to Improve Performance

5. Excellent

16.5 points

The written proposal includes a comprehensive description of strategies to improve employee performance and thoroughly discusses rewards and incentives for performance improvement.

4. Good

14.36 points

The written proposal includes strategies to improve employee performance and discusses rewards and incentives for performance improvement.

3. Satisfactory

13.04 points

The written proposal includes a detailed description of strategies to improve employee performance and adequately discusses rewards and incentives for performance improvement.

2. Less than Satisfactory

12.21 points

The written proposal includes strategies to improve employee performance but they are incomplete or lack details.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The written proposal does not include strategies to improve employee performance. Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital

collapse Integration of Rewards and Incentives to Remain Competitive assessment

Integration of Rewards and Incentives to Remain Competitive

16.5 points

Criteria Description

Integration of Rewards and Incentives to Remain Competitive

5. Excellent

16.5 points

The written proposal includes a clear description of the integration of rewards and incentives to remain competitive in the marketplace and recruit and retain employees.

4. Good

14.36 points

The written proposal includes an appropriate description of the integration of rewards and incentives to remain competitive in the marketplace and recruit and retain employees.

3. Satisfactory

13.04 points

The written proposal includes a vague description of the integration of rewards and incentives to remain competitive in the marketplace and recruit and retain employees.

2. Less than Satisfactory

12.21 points

The written proposal includes a thorough description of the integration of rewards and incentives to remain competitive in the marketplace and recruit and retain employees.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The written proposal does not include a description of the integration of rewards and incentives to remain competitive.

collapse Culture Within the Organization assessment

Culture Within the Organization

11 points

Criteria Description

Culture Within the Organization

5. Excellent

11 points

There is a well-developed description of the aspired culture within the organization relative to the employees being the biggest asset.

4. Good

9.57 points

There is a detailed description of the aspired culture within the organization relative to the employees being the biggest asset.

3. Satisfactory

8.69 points

There is some description of the aspired culture within the organization relative to the employees being the biggest asset.

2. Less than Satisfactory

8.14 points

The written proposal includes a description of the culture within the organization but is incomplete or lacks details.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The written proposal does not include a description of the culture within the organization.

collapse Thesis Development and Purpose assessment

Thesis Development and Purpose

7.7 points

Criteria Description

Thesis Development and Purpose

5. Excellent

7.7 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

4. Good

6.7 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

3. Satisfactory

6.08 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

2. Less than Satisfactory

5.7 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

collapse Argument Logic and Construction assessment

Argument Logic and Construction

8.8 points

Criteria Description

Argument Logic and Construction

5. Excellent

8.8 points

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

4. Good

7.66 points

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

3. Satisfactory

6.95 points

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

2. Less than Satisfactory

6.51 points

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.

collapse Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) assessment

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

5. Excellent

5.5 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

4. Good

4.79 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.

3. Satisfactory

4.35 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.

2. Less than Satisfactory

4.07 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.

collapse Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) assessment

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5.5 points

Criteria Description

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5. Excellent

5.5 points

All format elements are correct.

4. Good

4.79 points

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

3. Satisfactory

4.35 points

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

2. Less than Satisfactory

4.07 points

Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital


collapse Documentation of Sources assessment

Documentation of Sources

5.5 points

Selection Process

Job searching can be a very stressful process. Even after your application is accepted, one still must interview to prove that they are capable to perform job duties and be an asset to the organization.  Due to the pandemic and changes continuously happening in our health care system, there has been a staffing shortage across the board. Staffing shortages anywhere can be a disaster but especially in healthcare. Hiring the desired staff is necessary for each hospital unit and is critical to patient experience and outcomes.  Currently, there is a need for more certified nurse assistants (CNAs) on the medical surgical units.  Our healthcare organization utilizes CNAs to be sitters on the floor so most of the duties they were hired for are done on the unit. Med Surg units only get one CNA. About 90% of the time the CNA is a sitter and there’s no one to help the nurses on the floor. Activities of daily living (ADLs) are rarely performed because nurses already have their plates full and do not have enough time to do the CNAs job as well. Hiring more CNAs on our Med Surg units will make a difference in patient care.

Interview Process

Before an interview can take place, a job requisition must be posted by human resources (HR) on the company’s /organization’s website. The job listing summary for current CNAs is to perform a variety of patient care duties as assigned and in line with the legal scope of competency and established standards of care, policies, and procedures under the direct supervision of a Registered Nurse or physician. The CNA is also required to display quality and effectiveness in work habits when providing treatment and treats patients, family, and the health care team with dignity and respect. The applying CNA must also have a basic life support (BLS) certification, have one year experience as a CNA with certification, or enrolled into a licensed vocational nurse (LVN) or registered nurse (RN) program to apply.

Reading this job posting will allow potential CNAs to review the job duties in its entirety and apply if interested. Once the applications are received and reviewed by HR, candidates will be selected to interview. It’s an amazing to make it through the online application procedure and into the interview round, but it’s not a certainty. The type of follow-up you receive after submitting your application will vary in form of an email or a call by a HR representative or hiring to schedule an interview date and time. Depending on the organization some interviews are in person but majority have been via zoom. All involved in this process is the recruiting HR rep and hiring manager of the unit.

Testing Options

Some pre-employment tests are given to narrow down the number of candidates. One test that will be given during pre-employment is a job knowledge test.  This testing option is best suited for selecting a diverse array of employees because it allows the HR reps to not be biased but to select candidates who are most knowledgeable in their job description. Employers can then utilize the exam results to ask you specific questions about your talents and work experience if they have enough data on applicants (Indeed, 2021).

Interview Questions

There are various interview questions that can be asked during an interview. Depending on the job an employee may receive more situational questions than behavioral, and vice versa. The interviewer’s questions in a behavioral or competency-based interview are aimed to discover if the candidate possesses particular characteristics or skills. The purpose of situational interviews is to learn how an applicant thinks and reacts in a certain situation (SHRM, 2022).

Four behavioral questions that a CNA will be asked are:

  1. Tell me about a time when you resolved a conflict
  2. When was a time that you had to go out of your way to provide care for a patient. What did you do?
  3. Describe a ti`me in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
  4. How do you respond when you are delegated a task by a nurse?

Four situational questions will be:

  1. You have been assigned to ten patients on the unit. How do you prioritize your start of shift?
  2. You have been delegated a task from a registered nurse (RN) that is not within your scope of practice. How would you handle that situation?
  3. You have taken a patient’s vital signs and noticed that the some of the vitals are abnormal, what would you do?
  4. You have been asked by a patient to perform a task that is not in your scope. What will you do next?


In summary, from the time that an application is submitted, until the time of your interview, you are being evaluated based on your skills and how you are able to respond to certain situations in a given environment. Having some background history on the organization and being knowledgeable of the role in which you’re applying can help you in being better prepared for the interview process.



Indeed. (2021). 7 Types of Pre-Employment Tests Given by Employers. To Increase Quality of Interviews. Retrieved from 7 Types of Pre-Employment Tests Given by Employers | Indeed.com

SHRM. (2022). Interviewing Candidates for Employment. Types of Interviewing. Retrieved from  Interviewing Candidates for Employment (shrm.org) Week 7- Leveraging Human Capital