Summarize key details about the case to date

With significant operations around the world, Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company (SEIIC) is truly a global company. Its most significant international operations are in the European Union (EU) countries and Asia. Growth in China has been particularly rapid over the last five years. Because of the highly technical nature of its business, SEIIC has had a difficult time getting the people with the right skills in the right places and then keeping their skills up to date. The company has worked hard at identifying and hiring local talent, but the efforts have not been entirely successful. To the extent that it can, it has tried to accommodate local needs in its HRM system. However, it has found it difficult to carry out some of its initiatives because of the different ways of working in different areas. It has been difficult for people who transfer from one area to another to deal with the different HRM policies and procedures.

As a part of the overall review of HRM operations, the company is interested in identifying key factors that differentiate its global and domestic operations and in understanding how it can develop a more global approach to HRM.

  • Summarize key details about the case to date. What are the most important issues affecting SEIIC’s HRM? Your summary should be no more than one to two paragraphs. (Imagine that you are riding down the elevator with SEIIC’s CEO and she asks you to provide a high-level summary of what you’ve discovered so far. You have thirty seconds from the time she gets on the elevator until the time she gets off. What would you say?)
  • With a focus primarily on the EU and Asian areas of operations, assess key factors that SEIIC should pay attention to in revising its approach to international HRM. Consider, for example, the cultural, economic system, and legal and labor relations similarities and differences in these areas of operation when compared to domestic (United States) operations.
  • Analyze how these differences between EU, Asian, and domestic areas of operation may affect specific HRM activities including recruiting and staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, and labor relations.
  • Finally, justify how SEIIC should approach implementing HRM around the globe. Should it try to provide essentially a standardized, global HRM system or a highly specialized HRM system that is tailored to each location or region where it operates? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and which would you recommend?

Submission Details:

  • Name your report: SU_MBA6501_W5__report_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your six- to eight-page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned
  • Week 5 Assignment 2 Student Full Name Name of University Course Number and Name Instructor Name Date Everything in Blue should be deleted Due Week 2 and worth 250 points  Present a 6-8 page paper (does not include Title or Reference pages) in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style. Cite any sources using the APA guidelines. Name your file SU_MBA6501_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.  With significant operations around the world, Savannah Engineering, Inspection and Insurance Company (SEIIC) is truly a global company. Its most significant international operations are in the European Union (EU) countries and Asia. Growth in China has been particularly rapid over the last five years. Because of the highly technical nature of its business, SEIIC has had a difficult time getting the people with the right skills in the right places and then keeping their skills up to date. The company has worked hard at identifying and hiring local talent, but the efforts have not been entirely successful. To the extent that it can, it has tried to accommodate local needs in its HRM system. However, it has found it difficult to carry out some of its initiatives because of the different ways of working in different areas. It has been difficult for people who transfer from one area to another to deal with the different HRM policies and procedures. As a part of the overall review of HRM operations, the company is interested in identifying key factors that differentiate its global and domestic operations and in understanding how it can develop a more global approach to HRM. Write a report including the following: Week 5 Assignment 2 Write your introduction here. It should be 1 to 2 good paragraphs that introduce the reader to your topic and it should explain in detail what your paper will be discussing. Much of your introduction may be taken from the assignment itself (in your own words). Read the scenario to get a feel for what the paper is about and explain what your paper will be discussing. Remember, this document is just a template. You will want to review the assignment AND rubric for full details. Finally, please ask me any questions about this assignment.  HRM Issues Summarize key details about the case to date. What are the most important issues affecting SEIIC’s HRM? Your summary should be no more than one to two paragraphs. (Imagine that you are riding down the elevator with SEIIC’s CEO and she asks you to provide a high-level summary of what you’ve discovered so far. You have thirty seconds from the time she gets on the elevator until the time she gets off. What would you say?)  International HRM With a focus primarily on the EU and Asian areas of operations, assess key factors that SEIIC should pay attention to in revising its approach to international HRM. Consider, for example, the cultural, economic system, and legal and labor relations similarities and differences in these areas of operation when compared to domestic (United States) operations. Global HRM Activities Analyze how these differences between EU, Asian, and domestic areas of operation may affect specific HRM activities including recruiting and staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, and labor relations. Action Plan Finally, justify how SEIIC should approach implementing HRM around the globe. Should it try to provide essentially a standardized, global HRM system or a highly specialized HRM system that is tailored to each location or region where it operates? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and which would you recommend?    References List your reference here in APA format. The reference page must include all of the references you used, listed in proper APA format. Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.  Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.