Herzing University Issues in Healthcare Questions

Herzing University Issues in Healthcare Questions

Herzing University Issues in Healthcare Questions

Watch the following two 1 hour videos and make a response.



  1. Paying more, getting less
  2. Treating the whole person
  3. Preventing Disease
  4. Overmedication
  5. Overtreatment
  6. An entrenched system
  7. Reimbursement



Please create a thoughtful and supported post addressing the points below.

  • Pick 4 of the issues listed above and answer the following questions:
    • How are these issues affecting our current system (spending/debt, Medicare, ACA, population health)?
    • Who is responsible for these issues and correcting them?
    • How can these issues be improved whether at a local/state (community health department), national (USDHHS), or global level (WHO)?
    • Which of these issues fall under the Strategic Goals of the USDHHS and Healthy People 2020?
    • What can we do as nurses?
  • Your post should be at least 400 words.
  • Use at least one scholarly article (not Wikipedia or a website). Herzing University Issues in Healthcare Questions