Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.

educational Applications

Using the Online Resources listed below, select three of the following topics. Discuss the challenges nursing education is facing today and explain how technology can help educators meet them.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice

Discuss nursing educators’ role in selecting and implementing technology in education. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.

If you are using a system at your facility, what input did nursing have in the selection process?

What was nursing educators’ role in the implementation process.


Describe the types of applications/tools that educators can use to manage instruction and how those applications/tools are used by the nurse educator.

Examples include: Simulation, SecondLife, online learning, spreadsheets, or database programs.



Locate a free application for use with a smartphone (iPhone, Blackberry, Android, etc.) or tablet (iPad, Kindle, PDA, etc.) site on the Web.

Review one of the programs for demonstration.

Post the URL for the site, state the name of the program, and evaluate a program.

Describe how you could use this program in your practice and the benefits of its use.


Explore one of the “Web 2.0” Web sites and discuss its benefit in relationship to networking, continuing education, and developing an ePortfolio. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.

If you have an ePortfolio and would like to share, post the link to it.






A “YouTube” Channel



Online Resources


Web site assignment:  you will need to access the following Web sites, in addition to completing your reading assignment.

Nursing Podcasts

Johnson & Johnson

YouTube: The American Nurses Association

E-Learning Software

Free Nurse Tutor

Second Life

Blogs in Nursing Education



Wikis in Nursing

Rogerian Nursing Science wiki


Top 20 free iPhone medical apps

9 Free Apps Every Nurse Should Download

Part q14

Practice Applications

Respond to both of the following topics. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.

Visit the following HealthIT.gov website and review the various links and materials: http://www.healthit.gov/providers-professionals/faqs/what-telehealth-how-telehealth-different-telemedicine


Provide a reaction response to this report and discuss the following:

What is your experience with telehealth in your community and work setting?


What are the challenges and potential barriers regarding use of telehealth in your local community as well as the nation?


Next, visit and explore the HON Foundation Web site at http://www.hon.ch/and respond to the following question:


How would you guide your patients to search reliable and trustworthy healthcare information?

Conduct an Internet search for healthcare providers on the Internet utilizing the following social media Web sites.





Examine the professional profiles and content of the information contained in the profile. And develop and post a list of “do’s and don’ts” for the healthcare professional and any resources you may have found for creating a positive professional presence. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using cloud computing and handheld technologies in clinical practice.