Describe a personal experience from clinical practice that demonstrates and reflects the beliefs, assumptions, and values you identified

I need one page paper in nursing, this is the instruction about this one page paper:
Consider the 4 metaparadigm concepts: nursing; person; environment; and health. Select one and articulate your own beliefs, assumptions, and values related to that concept. Describe a personal experience from clinical practice that demonstrates and reflects the beliefs, assumptions, and values you identified. This is your own, personal philosophy; no references should be used. The table below is provided to serve as an instructional guide for this assignment. You should include the following:Identify 1 metapardigm concept from the following: nursing; person; environment; or healthArticulate your personal beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your selected concept Describe a detailed interaction between you and a client or family that depicts the beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your selected concept

*Philosophical Statement Instruction GuideNote: The questions below are designed to help get ideas flowing and are not the only focus of your statement.Nursing (i.e., nursing actions)
What is your definition of nursing?Is the metaparadigm concept nursing an art, a science, or both? Is it a process or a product (set of tasks)?What is nursing mainly (e.g., caring, therapeutic healing, building relationships)?What is the role reflected in nursing (e.g., doing for, being with [being present with], working with)?Where does ethics fit in?Who or what is the object of nursing’s concern?
HealthWhat is your definition of health (e.g., includes absence of disease, ability to perform social roles)?Is health on a continuum?Can clients have a chronic illness and still be termed healthy in your definition of health?What if the client’s view of health and your view of health are different?
PersonWhat is your definition of person (e.g., set of behavioral systems, biopsychosocial and spiritual being, energy field)?Who is the person being nursed (e.g., client, family, community)?What is your definition of person (e.g., set of behavioral systems, biopsychosocial and spiritual being, energy field)?Who is the person being nursed (e.g., client, family, community)?EnvironmentWhat is it? Where is it found?Are there different components to environment (e.g., emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, mainly physical)?Is environment separate from person?What is the nurse’s role in terms of environment?Are there internal and external environments, or is what is internal to a person part of the person?
Description and ExamplesThis whole philosophical statement is a statement of beliefs. However, for the purpose of teasing out and articulating your beliefs, these beliefs are divided into three types: definitions and description, assumptions, and values. Each of these should be written in separate paragraphs to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.Beliefs: This should be a succinct definition (one or two sentences), followed by a broader description. For example, if part of your definition of person was the person is a biopsychosocial and spiritual being, then each of the component parts (e.g., spiritual being) would be described more fully.Assumptions: A given, something that you take for granted that it is true. Examples are: Humans are rational beings. Individuals desire to work collaboratively with their nurses.Values: Something you consider good (i.e., desirable, worthy, or of esteem). Examples are: All persons are of value and are worthy of respect. Clients should be treated with dignity. Confidentiality and privacy are essential throughout all interactions with clients. Persons should be given choice in their treatment regimens.*adapted from Table 1 in Hernandez, C. A. (2009). Student Articulation of a Nursing Philosophical Statement: An Assignment to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills and Promote Learning. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(6), 343-349.Submission Instructions:Post your content by clicking the “Create Thread” button in the Metaparadigm Concepts: Personal Philosophy Forum. It is recommended that you compose (and spellcheck) your post in Microsoft Word, then copy and paste it into the ‘message’ field. Enter a descriptive title that reflects the ideas of your post In the ‘subject’ field. When replying to your classmates’ posts, be sure you click the “Reply” button below the message to which you intend to reply