Health Care Management and Health Information Technology paper

Health Care Management and Health Information Technology paper

Discussion 13- Describe the various skills and competencies needed by healthcare managers to effectively lead HCOs. What responsibilities do HCOs have in promoting health and in providing quality care? Use your text or another outside resource to support your response. You must cite at minimum one source at the end of your initial posting.


Remember to include an open-ended question at the end of your post to further engage the class in discussion.

Discussion 14- Describe Health Information Technology (HIT). Explain government’s role in HIT. How does HIT impact healthcare and what are the challenges to implementing it in the future? Additionally, what are the positive and negative aspects of EHR? Use your text or another outside resource to support your response. You must cite at minimum one source at the end of your initial posting.

Remember to include an open-ended question at the end of your post to further engage the class in discussion.

Discussion 14a- Consider the benefits offered by your current employer, or a past employer, and relate those to the benefits described in Chapter 8. How well were your benefits explained when you had a question or if you had an orientation? If you could tell your human resources manager three things that would improve the way in which employees are educated regarding those benefits, what would you recommend? (Remember, even if you think you work for an organization that “doesn’t give you benefits,” there are benefits the government requires your employer to provide.) Health Care Management and Health Information Technology paper