The Affordable Care Act and Beyond

The Affordable Care Act and Beyond

The Affordable Care Act and Beyond

Template Instructions (delete this page after reading)

  • Review the assessment scoring guide before you complete this template so that you understand the difference between “Distinguished,” “Proficient,” “Basic,” and “Non-Performance” grading levels.
  • The headings in the template below are designed to correspond to the scoring criteria. Please maintain these headings.
  • For this assessment, you will analyze the impacts of the Affordable Care Act on the healthcare ecosystem we inhabit today. As part of this analysis, you will also discuss the related significance of one other health care initiative enacted since 2010 selected from the following:
    • The Hospital Quality Initiative (2012)
    • The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) (2015)
    • The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) (2015)
    • The American Rescue Plan Act (2021)
  • Please delete these instructions and all other instructions [contained in brackets] throughout the template prior to submitting this document for grading.









[Provide a brief introduction to the main themes of your paper here.]

Sources Addressing the Affordable Care Act

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

            Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.

Author’s last name, First name initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the book in italics. Publishing company. DOI or URL if available

            Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.

Author’s last name, First name initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article.  Title of the Journal in Italics, volume number(Issue number), pages used. DOI number

Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.      

Sources Addressing [enter here the health care initiative after the ACA that you selected]

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

            Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.

Author’s last name, First name initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the book in italics. Publishing company. DOI or URL if available

            Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.

Author’s last name, First name initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article.  Title of the Journal in Italics, volume number(Issue number), pages used. DOI number

Follow your citation [on a new line] with your information about the source. Tab to move the first line over so the annotation falls in line with the hanging indent. This could be a summary or a critical analysis for why this would be useful in addressing the topic of your paper. The entire page is double-spaced with no extra space after the paragraph. Your references will be in APA7 format with the hanging indent and in alphabetical order.      

Impacts of the ACA and [enter here initiative you chose]
on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem

Affordable Care Act Overview

            [Explain the history, structure, and purpose of the Affordable Care Act.]

[Enter here the initiative you chose] Overview

            [Explain the history, structure, and purpose of the (enter your selected initiative here).]

Impact on the U.S. Health Care Ecosystem

  • [Explain the relationship between the ACA and your chosen initiative.]
    • [What groundwork did the ACA create to make your chosen initiative possible?]
  • [Explain the present and future impacts of the ACA and your chosen initiative on the U.S. health care system.]
    • [What groundwork does your chosen initiative create that could be expanded or extrapolated in future initiatives?]
    • [Cite at least one scholarly/professional source to support your prediction(s).]


[Based the sources and analysis you included in this paper, answer the following question in one paragraph: “Does the future of U.S. health care appear to improve or decline?”]


[Lastname, C. (2018). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.]

[Lastname, O. (2019).  Online journal using DOI or digital object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159–192. doi: 10.1000/182]

[Lastname, W. (2021). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166–212.]


[NOTE: The above references are SAMPLES ONLY. For more information and example related to references, visit Capella’s Writing Center. You are responsible for submitting appropriate in-text and reference page citations.]