Findings of a Qualitative Study

Findings of a Qualitative Study


Appraisal Guide:

Findings of a Qualitative Study






What experience, situation, or subculture does the researcher seek to understand?

Does the researcher want to produce a description of an experience, a social process, or an event, or is the goal to generate a theory?


How was data collected?

How did the researcher control his or her biases and preconceptions?

Are specific pieces of data (e.g., direct quotes) and more generalized statements (themes, theories) included in the report?

What are the main findings of the study?


Is the study published in a source
that required peer review?                                                Yes   No   Not clear

Were the methods used appropriate
to the study purpose?                                                       Yes   No   Not clear

Was the sampling of observations or
interviews appropriate and varied
enough to serve the purpose of the  study?                      Yes   No   Not clear

*Were data collection methods
effective in obtaining in-depth data?                               Yes   No   Not clear

Did the data collection methods
avoid the possibility of oversight,
underrepresentation, or
overrepresentation from certain
types of sources?                                                              Yes   No   Not clear

Were data collection and analysis
intermingled in a dynamic way?                                      Yes   No   Not clear

*Is the data presented in ways that
provide a vivid portrayal of what was
experienced or happened and its
context?                                                                            Yes   No   Not clear

*Does the data provided justify
generalized statements, themes,
or theory?                                                                         Yes   No   Not clear

Are the findings credible?                          Yes All   Yes Some   No

Clinical Significance

*Are the findings rich and informative?                          Yes   No   Not clear

*Is the perspective provided
potentially useful in providing
insight, support, or guidance
for assessing patient status
or progress?                                                                      Yes   Some  No  Not clear

Are the findings
clinically significant?                                 Yes All   Yes Some   No

* = Important criteria


