Management And Motivation

Management And Motivation



A learner-centred environment is the most appropriate learning environment for older individuals’ complex mental and physical health needs. A learner-centered setting is one in which the needs of the students are taken into consideration. Students bring their own culture, ideas, attitudes, abilities, and information to the classroom, as well as information from their own sources. A learner-centered instructor is one who is concerned with each student’s intellectual and cultural development. A lot of conversation takes place in the classroom, with students doing the majority of the talking and generating meaning from prior knowledge and experiences (Webb, 2013). When new knowledge is introduced, the instructor acts as a link between it and what the students already know. In this case, the senior nurses work in a learner-centred atmosphere to assist their patients in maintaining their health and adjusting to changes in their physical and mental skills so that older adults can remain independent and active for as long as feasible. These nurses work in conjunction with older adults, their communities, and their families to promote healthy ageing, a high quality of life, and optimal functioning (Yiqun, 2021).


When teaching this audience about health promotion, it is clear that disease prevention and early detection is the most effective strategy for managing a chronic condition successfully. The elderly must understand that recognizing and treating concurrent illnesses early is critical for severely fragile seniors. The elderly are intended to be educated on the value of daily exercise, a healthy diet, and leading a stress-free existence. Adults on medicine are expected to take it exactly as prescribed and faithfully to promote their health.

Several classroom management theories are relevant to teaching older individuals complex mental and physical health needs in effective classroom management. These theories include behaviourism, cognitive theory, and constructivism. Each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, but all are relevant to teaching the older individuals’ complex mental and physical health needs.

Behaviourism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of reinforcement in shaping behaviour (Ahmed et al., 2020). This theory is relevant to teaching older adults complex mental and physical health needs for effective classroom management. It emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement in encouraging desired behaviour in students. Additionally, the theory is relevant to teaching older adults because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and effectively manage student behaviour.

Cognitive theory is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of mental processes in shaping behaviour. This theory is relevant to the course topic of effective classroom management because it emphasizes the importance of understanding how students think and learn to manage their behaviour effectively. Additionally, the theory is relevant to the intended audience of educators because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and how to manage student behaviour effectively.

Constructivism is a theory of learning that emphasizes the role of learners in shaping their learning (Mintzes, 2020). This theory is relevant to the course topic of effective classroom management because it emphasizes the importance of student engagement and motivation in learning. Additionally, the theory is relevant to the intended audience of educators because it provides a framework for understanding how students learn and how to manage student behaviour effectively.

Evidence-based classroom and learner management strategies that can enhance learner motivation include maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with students. In this case, the geriatric nurse should remain clear and consistent with expectations and provide opportunities for the older adults to engage in their learning actively. These strategies are based on research showing that they effectively promote positive student behaviour and engagement.

One of the most important things a nurse can do to promote a positive learning environment is maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with students. Since they are older and probably older than the nurse, it means treating them with respect, being fair and consistent in your expectations, and being available to help them when they need it will be the best way to go about the class.

It is also important to be clear and consistent with your expectations for student behaviour. This means having a clear code of conduct that you enforce consistently. Students need to know what is expected of them, and they need to know that you will follow through with consequences if they do not meet your expectations.

Finally, it is important to provide opportunities for students to be actively engaged in their learning. This means planning lessons that are interesting and engaging and that allow students to participate in a way that is meaningful to them. It also means providing opportunities for students to practice what they are learning and to receive feedback on their progress.

These are just a few theories and strategies relevant to the educational topic and intended audience. There are many others that could be mentioned. The important thing is to select those you think will be most effective in your classroom and with your students. Especially when you understand your target audience.



Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Abrhám, J., Streimikis, J., & Vveinhardt, J. (2020). Social and behavioral theories and physician’s prescription behavior. Sustainability, 12(8), 3379.

Mintzes, J. J. (2020). From constructivism to active learning in college science. In Active learning in college science (pp. 3-12). Springer, Cham.

Webb, N. (2013). Engaging all learners in the classroom. Education Canada, 53(3), 16-21

Yiqun, L. I. U. (2021). Discussion on the Application of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education Concept in the Course of Geriatric Nursing. The Theory and Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4(8), 62.