LP2 Assignment Models of Health

LP2 Assignment Models of Health

LP2 Assignment: Models of Health

This assignment will assess the competency 2. Explore key concepts of health and the individual.


Please answer the questions in a minimum of 2 written pages.
• Your paper should be a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 2].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

1. Compare and contrast the medical, holistic, and wellness models of health, identifying the key points of each.
2. Research and explain how Canadians’ attitudes toward their health and well-being have changed.

Submit this assignmeLP2 Assignment Models of Healthnt to your instructor via the dropbox “LP2 Assignment: Models of Health.” This assignment is worth 75 points.

Learning Plan 3


LP3 Assignment: Population Health

This assignment will assess the competency 3. Analyze the population health approach.


In a minimum of 2 written pages, write a paper that answers the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 3].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

Action Items:
1. Compare and contrast the principal elements of population health, health promotion, and public health.
2. What role did the Declaration of Alma-Ata play in developing population initiatives?
3. Explain the purpose of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s population health template.
4. Detail some advantages of engaging the public in developing population health initiatives.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP3 Assignment: Population Health.” This assignment is worth 75 points.

AssignmentsLearning Plan 4

LP4 Assignment: Legal Issues

This assignment will assess the competency 4. Assess the relationship between the law and health care in Canada.


In a minimum of 2 written pages, write a paper that answers the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 4].
• Remember to cite references in APA format. LP2 Assignment Models of Health

Each of Canada’s provinces and territories implements its own privacy legislation as well as interpretation of other legislation relating to health care. Research your province specific information as it relates to the following:

1. Research and detail any legal challenges regarding people’s right to health care prompted by long waits for access to surgical services for your province. If no examples in your province, are there any legal challenges in other provinces?
2. Describe privacy legislation specific to the health care service providers in your province. How does the federal government’s Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act contribute to the province-specific privacy legislation?
3. Detail how confidentiality of health care providers interacts with the privacy legislation.
4. Describe security of health records, electronic health information requirements, and how health care providers are regulated in your province.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP4 Assignment: Legal Issues.” This assignment is worth 75 points.


Learning Plan 5


LP5 Assignment: Ethics Paper

This assignment will assess the competency 5. Examine ethics and health care.


In a minimum of 2 written pages answer the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 5].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

1. Research and describe an ethics topic that relates to health care (end-of-life bill, allocation of resources, abortion, genetic testing, patenting genes, etc).
2. Describe both the pros and cons of the ethics topic you chose above.
3. Detail proactive methods health care providers can employ to support the patient’s decision regarding the ethical issue discussed.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP5 Assignment: Ethics Paper.” This assignment is worth 75 points. LP2 Assignment Models of Health