GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper

GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper



Students are expected to submit well-thought-out and well-written assignments. Failure to proofread and edit assignments, and failure to use appropriate language (relevant and respectful terminology related to disability) will result in points loss. (Please seek help at the SDSU Writing Center if your English writing abilities are not yet proficient.)


In determining appropriate disability-related language, you will need to educate yourself about diverse perspectives when it comes to language use. At this point in time, it is standard disability etiquette to use person-first/people-first language. However, it is important to understand and respect identity-first language as well.


Person-First Language

For the purposes of this course, you will be expected to use person-first language and dignifying language as a way to demonstrate consciousness about respecting people with disabilities. In general, person-first language is appropriate to use if you are not immersed in the field of disability (which is most GS 420 students) or if your audience consists of children, youth, and/or general lay people who do not know about the social model of disability. Person-first language is an educational tool that is widely embraced by a diverse array of people with disabilities, and allies and organizations that support them. It is encouraged in written publications.  GS 420 students need to become intimately familiar with person-first language and language that promotes dignity and use it for all assignments. GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper

Identity-First Language

Identity-first language is appropriate if you are a person who experiences disability and prefers identity-first language. It is also appropriate if you are a person immersed in disability culture who understands the social model of disability. And out of respect, if you are referring to or speaking with someone who identifies with their disability first, you should feel comfortable in using identity-first language. If you can argue your case and satisfactorily justify your use of identity-first language in your assignments from a disability studies perspective, then we will excuse your use of non-person-first language. But, within each assignment, you must clearly identify yourself as a person who qualifies to use identify-first language, as described above. (You should do this in parentheses immediately following any sentence using identity-first language). Note: Many in the Deaf and autistic communities prefer identity-first language.

See some examples of person-first language and dignifying language choices on the next page.

Promoting Respectful Language

Person-First Language Suggestions


Don’t Say… Instead Say…
Down syndrome children Children who have Down syndrome
The disabled

Disabled people (unless you can justify from disability studies perspective)

People with disabilities

People who have disabilities

People who experience disability

The mentally ill People with mental health disabilities or People who experience mental illness or mental health disabilities
Wheelchair children


Children who use wheelchairs
Autistic boy



Boy who experiences or has autism

Boy who is autistic

(note: some self-advocates do prefer “autistic boy”/identity-first language) GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper

Cerebral Palsy people People who experience Cerebral Palsy

People who have Cerebral Palsy


Dignifying Language Suggestions

Don’t Say… Instead Say…
Dying of AIDS


Living with AIDS
“Suffers from” dyslexia

“Suffers from” autism

“Suffers from” anything

Experiences/ has dyslexia

Experiences/ has autism

Experiences/ has …

Wheelchair-bound/Confined to/Bound to a wheelchair Uses a wheelchair

Wheelchair user

Is disabled but is very successful



Is successful and has a disability/is disabled (only point out disability if relevant)
Special needs kids



Kids with disabilities

Kids who have disabilities

Kids who experience disability

Handicapped restroom/stall, parking


Accessible restroom/stall, parking


*Terminology changes as society changes. These guidelines are fluid and will hopefully change in years to come as our society becomes more inclusive.

Person-First & Identity-First Language Links

Here are some resources which further explain the distinctions between person-first and identity-first language, and inspiration porn.


Disability is Natural – People First Language by Kathie Snow


Why person-first language doesn’t always put the person first



GS 420 students are also expected to stay away from inspiration porn in all assignments. See Stella Young TEDx Talk (link on the last page) for further explanation of inspiration porn.


Inspiration Porn Links

Stella Young TEDx Talk: Inspiration Porn and the Objectification of Disability


Wikipedia: Inspiration Porn

Assignment #3:
15 points

For this assignment, investigate the following topic:
Covid-19 and Disability

There is great discussion and distress around the subject of societal responses to Covid-19 as it relates to people with disabilities. Whether it be people with medical disabilities/pre-existing conditions, or people with a mental health, developmental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, the experience of quarantine, social distancing, and the question of receiving medical or other assistance, are daunting for many people with disabilities and their loved-ones. However, most nondisabled people remain unaware of how the Coronavirus is threatening the lives and life quality of people in the disability community. Your task is to learn about how Covid-19 is affecting people with disabilities and then write a thoughtful summary response using the criteria below. GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper

Required Format
● Microsoft Word ONLY
● Responses must be in paragraph format underneath respective questions or sections.
● 1” margins
● 12-point font
● Double-spaced
● 2-page minimum

Required Content
● Introduction – 2 points
A paragraph giving an overview of what you have researched and plan on presenting in your paper.

● 3 References & Summaries – 6 points
Write a paragraph summarizing each online or hard copy reference (3 paragraphs total) and the main points or perspectives made with that reference. Within each paragraph, include the website link to the readings, blogs, and/or online videos you utilized in your inquiry.

● Class Connections – 2 points
In 1-2 paragraphs, make the connection between 2 of the following fundamental areas and how they relate to this topic:

● Ableism
● Social Model of Disability
● Accessibility
● Accommodations
● Assistive technology
● Disability rights
● Respectful language
● Eugenics


● Reflection – 2 points
In 1-2 paragraphs reflect on the following prompts:
○ I used to think that…
○ Why did you think that?
○ Now I think that…
○ Why do you think that now?
○ What changed in your thinking?

● Closing – 2 points
In 1 paragraph, explain how disability is a tool or a means of innovation? How has the Covid-19 discussion evolved toward new possibilities as a result of disability representation? Or how has it not evolved toward new possibilities? Explain.

● Language – 1 point
Throughout your paper, use of person-first language is required (unless you are a person with a disability who prefers identity-first language and informs us of your preference within your paper). Respectful language is required. Inspiration porn is unacceptable. Proper disability-related language etiquette is required. For help with this, please refer to the” Disability-Related Language in Written Assignments” document in Blackboard. GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper

Disability-Related Language Standards in Written Assignments GS 420 SDSU Students are expected to submit well-thought-out and well-written assignments. Failure to proofread and edit assignments, and failure to use appropriate language (relevant and respectful terminology related to disability) will result in points loss. (Please seek help at the SDSU Writing Center if your English writing abilities are not yet proficient.) In determining appropriate disability-related language, you will need to educate yourself about diverse perspectives when it comes to language use. At this point in time, it is standard disability etiquette to use person-first/people-first language. However, it is important to understand and respect identity-first language as well. Person-First Language For the purposes of this course, you will be expected to use person-first language and dignifying language as a way to demonstrate consciousness about respecting people with disabilities. In general, person-first language is appropriate to use if you are not immersed in the field of disability (which is most GS 420 students) or if your audience consists of children, youth, and/or general lay people who do not know about the social model of disability. Personfirst language is an educational tool that is widely embraced by a diverse array of people with disabilities, and allies and organizations that support them. It is encouraged in written publications. GS 420 students need to become intimately familiar with person-first language and language that promotes dignity and use it for all assignments. Identity-First Language Identity-first language is appropriate if you are a person who experiences disability and prefers identity-first language. It is also appropriate if you are a person immersed in disability culture who understands the social model of disability. And out of respect, if you are referring to or speaking with someone who identifies with their disability first, you should feel comfortable in using identity-first language. If you can argue your case and satisfactorily justify your use of identity-first language in your assignments from a disability studies perspective, then we will excuse your use of non-person-first language. But, within each assignment, you must clearly identify yourself as a person who qualifies to use identify-first language, as described above. (You should do this in parentheses immediately following any sentence using identity-first language). Note: Many in the Deaf and autistic communities prefer identity-first language. See some examples of person-first language and dignifying language choices on the next page. Promoting Respectful Language Person-First Language Suggestions Don’t Say… Down syndrome children The disabled Disabled people (unless you can justify from disability studies perspective) The mentally ill Wheelchair children Autistic boy Cerebral Palsy people Instead Say… Children who have Down syndrome People with disabilities People who have disabilities People who experience disability People with mental health disabilities or People who experience mental illness or mental health disabilities Children who use wheelchairs Boy who experiences or has autism Boy who is autistic (note: some self-advocates do prefer “autistic boy”/identity-first language) People who experience Cerebral Palsy People who have Cerebral Palsy Dignifying Language Suggestions Don’t Say… Dying of AIDS Instead Say… Living with AIDS “Suffers from” dyslexia “Suffers from” autism “Suffers from” anything Wheelchair-bound/Confined to/Bound to a wheelchair Experiences/ has dyslexia Experiences/ has autism Experiences/ has … Uses a wheelchair Wheelchair user Is disabled but is very successful Special needs kids Handicapped restroom/stall, parking Is successful and has a disability/is disabled (only point out disability if relevant) Kids with disabilities Kids who have disabilities Kids who experience disability Accessible restroom/stall, parking *Terminology changes as society changes. These guidelines are fluid and will hopefully change in years to come as our society becomes more inclusive. Person-First & Identity-First Language Links Here are some resources which further explain the distinctions between person-first and identity-first language, and inspiration porn. GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper. Disability is Natural – People First Language by Kathie Snow Why person-first language doesn’t always put the person first GS 420 students are also expected to stay away from inspiration porn in all assignments. See Stella Young TEDx Talk (link on the last page) for further explanation of inspiration porn. Inspiration Porn Links Stella Young TEDx Talk: Inspiration Porn and the Objectification of Disability Wikipedia: Inspiration Porn Gen S420 Fall 2020 Assignment #3: DISABILITY AS A MEANS OF INNOVATION 15 points For this assignment, investigate the following topic: Covid-19 and Disability Background: There is great discussion and distress around the subject of societal responses to Covid-19 as it relates to people with disabilities. Whether it be people with medical disabilities/pre-existing conditions, or people with a mental health, developmental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, the experience of quarantine, social distancing, and the question of receiving medical or other assistance, are daunting for many people with disabilities and their loved-ones. However, most nondisabled people remain unaware of how the Coronavirus is threatening the lives and life quality of people in the disability community. Your task is to learn about how Covid-19 is affecting people with disabilities and then write a thoughtful summary response using the criteria below. Required Format ● ● ● ● ● ● Microsoft Word ONLY Responses must be in paragraph format underneath respective questions or sections. 1” margins 12-point font Double-spaced 2-page minimum Required Content ● Introduction – 2 points A paragraph giving an overview of what you have researched and plan on presenting in your paper. ● 3 References & Summaries – 6 points Write a paragraph summarizing each online or hard copy reference (3 paragraphs total) and the main points or perspectives made with that reference. Within each paragraph, include the website link to the readings, blogs, and/or online videos you utilized in your inquiry. ● Class Connections – 2 points In 1-2 paragraphs, make the connection between 2 of the following fundamental areas and how they relate to this topic: Gen S420 Fall 2020 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Ableism Social Model of Disability Accessibility Accommodations Assistive technology Disability rights Respectful language Eugenics ● Reflection – 2 points In 1-2 paragraphs reflect on the following prompts: ○ I used to think that… ○ Why did you think that? ○ Now I think that… ○ Why do you think that now? ○ What changed in your thinking? ● Closing – 2 points In 1 paragraph, explain how disability is a tool or a means of innovation? How has the Covid-19 discussion evolved toward new possibilities as a result of disability representation? Or how has it not evolved toward new possibilities? Explain. ● Language – 1 point Throughout your paper, use of person-first language is required (unless you are a person with a disability who prefers identity-first language and informs us of your preference within your paper). Respectful language is required. Inspiration porn is unacceptable. Proper disability-related language etiquette is required. For help with this, please refer to the” Disability-Related Language in Written Assignments” document in Blackboard. … GEN S 420 Covid 19 and Disability Research Paper