Health & Medical Question paper

Health & Medical Question paper

We often hear the stories of what goes wrong in health care, medical error tragedies and examples of how organizations have failed their patients.

There is much to learn, however, from those who do a great job of taking care of their patients, meeting their needs and going beyond their expectations.

Using all that you have learned from this course, you will do the following:

Identify a health care organization that is known for their high quality of care, service and safety. Please submit your teams desired HC organization for Professor Steve’s approval.


Create a paper that addresses:

a.An overview of the organization, a description of what care or services they are known for, and the data that is available to evidence the success of their quality/patient safety efforts;

b.Identification of the top four practices in the organization that have contributed to their creation of a “culture of excellence”. A description should be provided for each of these practices with examples for how they have contributed to the organization’s success.

c.Identification of the one practice that you believe is most valuable to the success of the organization, which you  would like to experience in your own organization; or, would like to put into place as a future health care leader. Health & Medical Question paper

d.Lastly, you will identify the lessons you have learned, from a leadership standpoint, from your research.

Requirements: Signature Project – A Profile in Excellence

Health & Medical Question


Week 4  Team Project Assignment – Signature Assignment Quality CQI Health Care Organization.

Signature Project – A Profile in Excellence

We often hear the stories of what goes wrong in health care, medical error tragedies and examples of how organizations have failed their patients.

There is much to learn, however, from those who do a great job of taking care of their patients, meeting their needs and going beyond their expectations.

Using all that you have learned from this course, you will do the following:

  • Identify a health care organization that is known for their high quality of care, service and safety. Please submit your teams desired HC organization for Professor Steve’s approval.
  • Create a paper that addresses:
    1. An overview of the organization, a description of what care or services they are known for, and the data that is available to evidence the success of their quality/patient safety efforts;
    2. Identification of the top four practices in the organization that have contributed to their creation of a “culture of excellence”.  A description should be provided for each of these practices with examples for how they have contributed to the organization’s success.
    3. Identification of the one practice that you believe is most valuable to the success of the organization, which you would like to experience in your own organization; or, would like to put into place as a future health care leader. Health & Medical Question paper
    4. Lastly, you will identify the lessons you have learned, from a leadership standpoint, from your research.




Top 7 hospitals in the United States:

  1. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore
  2. Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston
  3. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
  4. Cleveland Clinic in Ohio
  5. UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles
  6. Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago
  7. UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco


Use statistical evidence on this. Hospital Compare at the website contains this information. You can find your health care organization’s key CQI historical data on this Medicare website. The more specific information you have about your organization, the more useful and better your paper will be.


20 possible points.

Click on the “Week Four Signature Assignment” link above to submit your assignment, as well as to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.

< I specialize in health care Continuous Quality Improvement so that may be a reason why I believe statistics and facts are important in studying health care systems. It is important in writing college papers, to justify your comments and conclusions with concrete facts. Support and provide proof of your points as if you were on a debate team. This is very important for critical thinking. [Remember to incorporate some facts and figures into your answers, not just suggestions. Facts are also important.]

< Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized.

<   To date, I have personally earned a GPA of 3.9 over the 57 graduate credit hours I have earned. I achieved this in part by getting an early start on the assignments and working on the assignments throughout the week. Usually, I review my completed work and the directions from the teacher at least 3 times before I finally submit the paper. This also gives me time to work on my Turnitin Score if it is high. I am usually in the top 5% grade-wise in my classes so I have to do more work on my assignments than the 95% of those who get grades below me. Many of you want to get top grades in this class so I thought I would give you this free advice that has worked for me.

I specialize in health care CQI so that may be a reason that I stress statistics and facts in studying health care systems. It is important in writing college papers, to justify your comments and conclusions with concrete facts. I recommend that you include quantitative data concerning your written assignments. Just as facts and data are the foundation of a good health care quality control program, they should also be a part of your health care written assignments. This is essential for a critical thinking and substantive analysis. Indeed, in the study of health care, it is essential to analyze statistical data in your critical thinking study. Expert input into your paper can be achieved through experts via outside sources. Health & Medical Question paper

< Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized.

> Develop your critical thinking skills in your analysis in your paper. Critical thinking skills are extremely important in developing a successful career. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Defining Critical Thinking, 2015). Be sure to incorporate your critical thinking skills into your discussion questions, participation comments, and your written assignments. This is where outside sources and key statistics can be very helpful with your critical thinking skills in your class work. It is important to use data-driven decision-making concerning financial management decisions. Be sure to read the file that I posted on ‘How Can I Incorporate Evidence and Critical Thinking into my Paper?’, it will help you improve the quality of your essays. It is located in the ‘Course Resources area of our web class.


Defining Critical Thinking. (2015, October 28). Retrieved from




Grading Rubric for this assignment is as follows:

Week 4 Team Project Assignment – Signature Assignment Quality CQI Health Care Organization. Team of one. Maximum 
Points Earned
Title Page or slide.   Team of one. 1 1
Content, critical thinking analysis, substance and quality. Use at least 2 outside references and 1 intext citations from the course text.

You have a choice of doing a paper (625+ words) or a Power Point presentation with 5plus Power Point slides with speaker notes. It is ok to go over. (Slides: Title slide and reference slides do not count in slide count). (Paper: Title and reference pages do not count in the word length). Team of one.

15 15
APA Formatting (title page, body, reference page) 1 1
References Formatted 3 3
Total: 20 20

You are now in a team of one. You will only have to do half of the word or slide counts on it.

Week 4 Team Project Assignment – Signature Assignment Quality CQI Health Care Organization. Signature Project – A Profile in Excellence We often hear the stories of what goes wrong in health care, medical error tragedies and examples of how organizations have failed their patients. There is much to learn, however, from those who do a great job of taking care of their patients, meeting their needs and going beyond their expectations. Using all that you have learned from this course, you will do the following: • • Identify a health care organization that is known for their high quality of care, service and safety. Please submit your teams desired HC organization for Professor Steve’s approval. Create a paper that addresses: a. An overview of the organization, a description of what care or services they are known for, and the data that is available to evidence the success of their quality/patient safety efforts; b. Identification of the top four practices in the organization that have contributed to their creation of a “culture of excellence”. A description should be provided for each of these practices with examples for how they have contributed to the organization’s success. c. Identification of the one practice that you believe is most valuable to the success of the organization, which you would like to experience in your own organization; or, would like to put into place as a future health care leader. d. Lastly, you will identify the lessons you have learned, from a leadership standpoint, from your research. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A GOOD HEALTH ORGANIZATION FOR YOUR 5 BUSINESS PLAN ASSIGNMENTS BY PROFESSOR STEVE: Top 7 hospitals in the United States: 1. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore 2. Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston 3. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota 4. Cleveland Clinic in Ohio 5. UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles 6. Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago 7. UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco Use statistical evidence on this. Hospital Compare at the website contains this information. Health & Medical Question paper.  You can find your health care organization’s key CQI historical data on this Medicare website. The more specific information you have about your organization, the more useful and better your paper will be. 20 possible points. Click on the “Week Four Signature Assignment” link above to submit your assignment, as well as to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric. < I specialize in health care Continuous Quality Improvement so that may be a reason why I believe statistics and facts are important in studying health care systems. It is important in writing college papers, to justify your comments and conclusions with concrete facts. Support and provide proof of your points as if you were on a debate team. This is very important for critical thinking. [Remember to incorporate some facts and figures into your answers, not just suggestions. Facts are also important.] < Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized. < To date, I have personally earned a GPA of 3.9 over the 57 graduate credit hours I have earned. I achieved this in part by getting an early start on the assignments and working on the assignments throughout the week. Usually, I review my completed work and the directions from the teacher at least 3 times before I finally submit the paper. This also gives me time to work on my Turnitin Score if it is high. Health & Medical Question
I am usually in the top 5% grade-wise in my classes so I have to do more work on my assignments than the 95% of those who get grades below me. Many of you want to get top grades in this class so I thought I would give you this free advice that has worked for me. I specialize in health care CQI so that may be a reason that I stress statistics and facts in studying health care systems. It is important in writing college papers, to justify your comments and conclusions with concrete facts. I recommend that you include quantitative data concerning your written assignments. Just as facts and data are the foundation of a good health care quality control program, they should also be a part of your health care written assignments. This is essential for a critical thinking and substantive analysis. Indeed, in the study of health care, it is essential to analyze statistical data in your critical thinking study. Expert input into your paper can be achieved through experts via outside sources. < Use headings for each section of your papers for the written assignments. The APA rule for this is to have the heading centered (not bold) and the first letter of each major word capitalized. > Develop your critical thinking skills in your analysis in your paper. Critical thinking skills are extremely important in developing a successful career. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Defining Critical Thinking, 2015). Be sure to incorporate your critical thinking skills into your discussion questions, participation comments, and your written assignments. This is where outside sources and key statistics can be very helpful with your critical thinking skills in your class work. It is important to use data-driven decision-making concerning financial management decisions. Be sure to read the file that I posted on ‘How Can I Incorporate Evidence and Critical Thinking into my Paper?’, it will help you improve the quality of your essays. It is located in the ‘Course Resources area of our web class. References Defining Critical Thinking. (2015, October 28). Retrieved from Grading Rubric for this assignment is as follows: Week 4 Team Project Assignment – Signature Assignment Quality CQI Health Care Organization. Team of one. Title Page or slide. Team of one. Content, critical thinking analysis, substance and quality. Use at least 2 outside references and 1 intext citations from the course text. Maximum Points 1 You have a choice of doing a paper (625+ words) or a Power Point presentation with 5plus Power Point slides with speaker notes. It is ok to go over. (Slides: Title slide and reference slides do not count in slide count). (Paper: Title and reference pages do not count in the word length). Team of one. APA Formatting (title page, body, reference page) References Formatted Total: 15 1 3 20 You are now in a team of one. You will only have to do half of the word or slide counts on it.  Health & Medical Question