
Scientists, Scientific Methods, & EthicsThis week’s assignment is focused on the development of a PowerPoint presentation that will have two parts. The presentation is a minimum of 12 slides and maximum of 16 slides. Include a title slide and a reference slide.Part One: Key Events and IndividualsDevelop 5-6 slides that include both an image(s) and text.Each slide should identify key events and individuals from Chapter 1 of the assigned text regarding the birth and development of psychology.Each slide should include dates, name or the individual or event, and the contribution made to the field of psychology.Each slide should include in-text citations.Each slide should include notes that support and explain the slide information. In-text citations and references should be included in the notes in APA format.Part Two: Scientific Method and EthicsDevelop 5-6 slides that include both an image(s) and text.Slides should include an explanation of the scientific method and the use of research ethics in psychology as explained in Chapter 1 of the required text.Each slide should include in-text citations.Each slide should include notes that support and explain the slide information. In-text citations should be included in the notes in APA format as well. All references should be located on the final slide of the presentation.Assignment ExpectationsLength:12-16 slides including both images and texts. Notes for each slide that provide a full description of the slide.Structure:Title slide and reference slides in APA style. (at least 2 slides)Prompt 1: at least 5-6slidesPrompt 2: at least5-6 slidesAdditionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script in the notes section of the Power Point for each slide with the verbiage you would say when presenting; the script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.References:A minimum of one scholarly reference, other than the textbook. APA should be used for in-text citations and references.