mother and daughter cultural tale in alexander street 2003
Must use psychiatric evaluation template. google the above to watch the video.View the Mother and Daughter: A Cultural Tale video and consider how you might assess the family in the case study.The AssignmentDocument the following for the family in the video, using the Comprehensive Evaluation Note Template:Chief complaintHistory of present illnessPast psychiatric historySubstance use historyFamily psychiatric/substance use historyPsychosocial history/Developmental historyMedical historyReview of systems (ROS)Physical assessment (if applicable)Mental status examDifferential diagnosis—Include a minimum of three differential diagnoses and include how you derived each diagnosis in accordance with DSM-5 diagnostic criteriaCase formulation and treatment planInclude a psychotherapy genogram for the familyNote: For any item you are unable to address from the video, explain how you would gather this information and why it is important for diagnosis and treatment planning.