Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment

Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment

Sleep disorders-Psychology

For this writing assignment, you will need to look at the sections, “Sleep Throughout the Life Span” and “Sleep and Disease”.  Getting enough sleep is important and affects various aspects over a person’s lifetime. (Textbook is  Experience Psychology – Laura King)


In your own words, briefly answer these questions about sleep requirements throughout the life span and how sleep affects the immune system.

  1. In general, how do sleep requirements change as a person ages? (i.e., total hours spent in sleep according to developmental stage in life)
  2. Discuss the sleep needs of infants, children, and adolescents. What are some strategies that can be implemented to improve sleep hygiene (habits and practices that promote sleep) in young children and in adolescents to help with sleep issues?
  3. Describe how sleep patterns change during adulthood. What specific changes take place during this developmental stage?
  4. What is the connection between sleep and disease?
  5. How does sleeplessness affect humans physically and psychologically? Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment