Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions

Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions


Week 6: Discussion Question


Role of Outcomes in Evaluating Practice Change Through Research


Use this PICOT question to answer assign question.

PICOT question: Use of sertraline versus sertraline with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to treat depression in teenagers age 12-18 over a 1-year period of time. – Approved by Dr. S

Discussion Prompt

What are the benefits of evaluating the role of outcomes in practice change through research? Discuss how you would evaluate the roles of outcomes through a change proposed from research findings.


  • Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years. Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions


Week 6: Assignment

Proposed Project Interventions

Use PICOT question to write and answer assignment

PICOT question: Use of sertraline versus sertraline with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to treat depression in teenagers age 12-18 over a 1-year period of time. – Approved by Dr. S


Assignment Prompt

Write a paper of 3-4 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. Integrate the information into your project.

The assignment should include:

  1. The extent of evidence-based data for proposed interventions.
  2. Comprehensive description of factors that might influence the use of proposed interventions.
  3. Identify the barriers related to the proposed interventions.
  4. Detailed list of resources that will be needed.
  5. Detailed steps, or sequence of events, or specific implementation activities that will be required to implement the intervention.
  6. Monitoring, tracking and ongoing review.
  7. Performance of tasks required for implementation. Staff responsible in the implementation of the interventions and their qualifications.
  8. Strategies that facilitate the implementation of the proposed intervention.
  9. Expected outcomes to be achieved by your project.
  • Length: 3-4 pages
  • Format: APA 7th ed.
  • Research: At least two- three peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years. Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions