Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

FPSY 8910 Week 1 Discussion

Discussion: Setting Aside Empathy-Bias in Professional Settings As a forensic psychology professional, you have personal opinions just like other people do, especially about case law and legislation that provide legal guidelines for controversial issues. However, as a forensic psychology professional, you differ from people outside of the legal system in that you must remain professionally objective and unbiased in order to act in accordance with professional ethics. This means that you might not agree with the legal guidelines in case law. One example is Roe v. Wade (1973) that gives women legal rights to make personal decisions regarding reproduction including abortion. You are bound ethically to respect the rights of a client who chooses to exercise her reproductive rights according to this case law. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022 The following is a list of some other examples that tend to elicit strong opinions and empathy-bias:


•             Vacco v. Quill, 117 S. Ct. 2293 (1997) restricted an individual’s right to die.

•             Jaffee v. Redmond, 116 S. Ct. 1923 (1996) affirmed clients’ rights to confidentiality during psychotherapy during a case of lethal force.

•             Graham v. Florida, 560 U.S. 48, 130 S. Ct. (2011) and Miller v. Alabama, 132 S.   Ct. 2455 (2012). Minors cannot be sentenced to life in prison without parole regardless of the crime. •             “Sexually Violent Predator” (SVP) or “Sexually Dangerous Persons” laws – Permit civil commitment of SVPs in specified jurisdictions Forensic psychology professionals are required by ethical guidelines to manage personal biases in order to be fair and objective. The first step in this process is to be aware of your personal biases. The next step is to manage these so they do not interfere with your ethical responsibilities to be fair and objective. In this Discussion, you analyze and manage your personal biases. To prepare for this Discussion:

•             Read the Learning Resources.

•             Refer to the list of case law in the AAPL Landmark Cases 2014 in your Learning Resources as a means to review the types of issues typically encountered by forensic psychology professionals.

•             Identify a legal issue and the legislation/case law that has contributed to this legal issue with which you might not agree. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022

•             As defined in the article Empathy or Objectivity: The Forensic Examiner’s Dilemma? (2010), identify a personal “empathy-bias.” Post a response to the following:

•             Describe a personal “empathy-bias” and the legal issue and legislation/case law that has contributed to this legal issue.

•             Explain your empathy-bias, e.g., how do you think it developed, how does it affect your behavior and emotions related to the issue.

•             Evaluate how ethical guidelines could potentially be breached if you act on your empathy-bias and discuss how your work might be affected.

•             Explain the strategies you will use to manage your empathy-bias and related ethical dilemmas so they will not affect your work as a forensic psychology professional. Walden FPSY8910 Week 1 Discussion Latest 2022