Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination

Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination

Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination

Question 1

Jeannie is a 24-year-old pregnant woman who asks you if her frequent urination is normal. Which of the following hormones is most likely responsible for this?





Question 2

Marion presents to your office with back pain associated with constipation and urinary retention. Which of the following is most likely?


Epidural abscess

Cauda equine

Idiopathic low back pain

Question 3

Which is true of examination of the olfactory nerve?

It is not tested unless patient reports a change in smell

The smell must not be identified to declare a normal response

Abnormal responses may be seen in otherwise normal elderly patients

Allergies are unrelated to testing of this nerve

Question 4

A woman in her 24th week of pregnancy notices she feels faint when lying down for a period. What would you suspect as the cause for this? Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination

Adrenal insufficiency

Orthostatic hypotension

Supine hypotensive syndrome


Question 5

What is the most effective pattern of palpation for breast cancer?

Beginning at the nipple, make an ever-enlarging spiral

Divide the breast into quadrants and inspect each systematically

Examine in lines resembling the back and forth pattern of mowing the lawn

Inspect the breast in a circular motion


Question 6

You are assessing a patient with diffuse joint pains and want to make sure that it is only the joints that are the problem, and that the pain is not related to other diseases. Which of the following is a systemic cause of joint pain?





Question 7

You are examining a child with severe cerebral palsy. When you suddenly move his foot dorsally, a sustained “beating” of the foot against your hand ensues. What does this represent?

A focal seizure


Kernig’s sign

Brudzinski’s sign

Question 8

A young woman comes in experiencing brief, rapid, jerky, irregular movements. They can occur at rest or during other intentional movements. They mostly involve her face, head, lower arms, and hands. How would you describe these movements? Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination





Question 9

An infant presents with a heart rate of 180, a respiratory rate of 68, and an enlarged liver. What diagnosis does this suggest?


Heart failure


Necrotizing enterocolitis

Question 10

You are assessing a patient with joint pain and are trying to decide whether it is inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature. Which one of the following symptoms is consistent with an inflammatory process?


Cool temperature



Question 11

Which is true of women who have had unilateral mastectomy?

Examination of the remaining breast only

Lymohedema of the ipsilateral arm usually suggests recurrence of breast cancer

Breast reconstruction over the mastectomy site no longer requires examination

Examination starts at the nipple, making an ever-enlarging spiral

Question 12

Which is true of prostate cancer?

It is commonly lethal

It is one of the less common forms of cancer

Family history does not appear to be a risk factor

Ethnicity is a risk factor

Question 13

Which of the following will help to optimize yield from a pediatric examination?

Take advantage of quiet periods for auscultation

Perform a head to toe exam

Use firmness, as needed to make it through your examination

Encourage Mom to hold the child’s hand. Assignment: Effect of Frequent Urination