UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 1 Discussion

Nurse Claims Report

Review Nurse Professional Liability Exposures: 2015 Claim Report Update to understand some of the most common legal allegations. As you read, think about ways to mitigate the risks listed in the report.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What struck you most about the report or the allegations discussed?

Select 1 example or illustration from 1 of the claims categories and explain what could have been done to mitigate the risk that led to the claim.


NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 2 Discussion

Regulatory Accountability

The regulation of nursing practice is delineated within each state’s nurse practice act. Nurses are responsible for knowing and understanding how their practice is regulated by the state in which they are licensed. A nurse who practices beyond their state’s legal definition of nursing is subject to disciplinary action by the regulatory agency. UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How do you experience regulations in your work environment? Think about how regulations guide your practice, including the nursing process.

Describe the role of competency assessment for the nurse when applying the nurse practice act.

What would a nurse do…in the moment… if they believed that they had not been appropriately trained to assume a delegated intervention?


NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 3 Discussion

Ethical Issues

Nurses face ethical situations every day. Currently, the ANA has a list of ethics resources pertaining to several topics.

Think about ethical situations you have experienced in practice. Write a summary of your experiences and explain how the situation was resolved or ended. BE SPECIFIC ABOUT THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLE (REVIEW THE WESTRICK READINGS CHAPTER 45 FIRST PAGE READINGS) THAT WAS VIOLATED.




NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 4 Discussion

Unintended Consequences of Regulations

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Think of practice situations where regulations can become a a barrier to patient-centered care.

Summarize why regulations became barriers in those instances.


NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 5 Discussion

Ethical Drift

Describe an example of ethical drift that you have witnessed in your nursing practice.


How was the situation addressed? Or, was it? After taking this course, what will you do if and/or when you encounter an ethical drift in the future? UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 2 Assessment  

Summative Assessment: Policy and Regulation in Practice

Assignment Content

In this assessment, you select a legal issue in health care to determine relevant legal issues and regulations as well as actions that could be taken to improve the outcome.

The health care industry is heavily regulated from multiple sources. It is important for nurses to understand health care policy and regulatory environments for their local area to make sure they are following industry standards as well as not performing tasks nurses are not allowed to do locally.

Research common legal issues in health care that nurses frequently face or choose one of the legal case studies from the Nurses Service Organization.

Select a legal case study of interest or area in which you have experience.

Analyze the legal case study and ensure you include the following:

Summarize the legal issues present in the case.

Explain how these legal issues impact nursing practice.

Summarize regulations, laws, and industry standards present in the case.

Explain how the regulations, laws, and standards impact the nursing practice.

Brainstorm risk mitigation techniques that the hospital could have employed to prevent the situation and increased compliance with the regulations, laws, or standards relevant to the situation.


Determine actions the nurse could have taken to improve the outcome and increased compliance with the regulations, laws, or standards relevant to the situation.

Cite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your positions.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

The slides themselves should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. See this link for more help.

875-word paper?

Another format approved by your instructor

Include an APA-formatted reference list.


NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 4 Assessment  

Summative Assessment: Ethics in Practice

Exam Content

Review “An Integrated Ethical-Decision-Making Model for Nurses” from the University Library Readings.

Apply the ethical decision-making model in the article to access this case study from the Center for Practical Bioethics:?Our Pregnant Daughter Didn’t Want This…

Review the Questions for Discussion following the case. UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

Follow the steps provided in the model, including the following:

Step 1: Explain the ethical issues, other relevant ethical considerations, and ethical principles relevant to this case study and how they affect the nursing practice.

Step 2: Collect and analyze additional information?related to this case study, including researching and explaining any legal considerations.

Step 3: Develop alternatives (different options) and compare them.

Step 4: Determine your position and justify it:

What specific actions should be taken to ensure an appropriate outcome?

Why is your position important, needed, or beneficial for vulnerable populations?

Are the?legal and ethical responsibilities in alignment with each other? If they are not in alignment, how does your position deal with that?conflict?

Step 5: Find strategies to implement the plan:

What ethical arguments could you use to persuade someone who disagrees with your position?

Format your assignment as an 875- to 1,050-word paper.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years.

Note: At least 1 of the sources should provide evidence for your resolution recommendation or plan of action.

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

Note to student:

This week’s assignment, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities, has been identified as a tool to assist in the University’s programmatic assessment process. Completed assignments will be periodically gathered for program analysis purposes.

This assignment has been aligned to one or more of the program’s student learning outcomes, and the collected data will assist the College in making improvements to the program. Use your knowledge and skills learned throughout the program to complete this assignment.


NSG426 Integrity In Practice Ethic And Legal Considerations

Week 5 Assessment  

Summative Assessment: Accountability

Exam Content

Nurses are faced with situations where legal and ethical considerations are complex and sometimes don’t have a simple or clear solution. Unfortunately, nurses are frequently held accountable in these complex situations, which is why it is important for nurses to understand what they can and can’t do, what they will be accountable for, and what they are responsible for. In this assessment, you will analyze a complex topic from an ethical and legal perspective. You should also analyze its impact on nurses and accountability.

Select 1 of the following topics, or another topic approved by your instructor:

Health care as a right or privilege

Futile care


Euthanasia and assisted suicide

Clinical uses for illicit substances (e.g., medical marijuana, MDMA for PTSD)

Research your selected topic.

Analyze a nurse’s legal responsibilities related to your selected topic.

Analyze a nurse’s ethical responsibilities related to your selected topic.

Take a position on the topic and explain your position in detail.

Summarize the steps in the ethical decision-making model you employed and the process used to arrive at your position.

Discuss how your position affects nurses and how nurses can be held accountable in situations related to your selected topic.

Cite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your position(s). UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022

Format your assignment as one of the following:

18- to 20-slide presentation

The slides themselves should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting. See this link for more help.

875-word paper

Another format approved by your instructor

Include an APA-formatted reference list. UOP NSG426 Complete Course Latest 2022