Adelphi University Make a Public Health Informational Brochure

Adelphi University Make a Public Health Informational Brochure

Informational Brochure Assignment
0304-573: Application of Human Disease to Public Health Practice
Instructions: For this project, you will be creating a one page, two sided, full-color informational brochure to educate a specific population about a disease of Public Health importance covered in this course. The brochure may be formatted in any style you wish (tri-fold, half-fold, etc.), bearing in mind that your ultimate goal is produce a brochure with maximum impact. While the details, formatting, and structure of each brochure will be different, all brochures will be graded according to the ‘Informational Brochure Grading Rubric’ provided in Moodle. Along with the brochure itself, you will be required to submit the ‘Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet’ (also in Moodle) in which you will detail your brochure development process andexplain your thinking regarding intended audience, formatting decisions, research methods, and more. Adelphi University Make a Public Health Informational Brochure Once you have decided on your subject and target population, begin your research. Some questions to consider as you develop the brochure are:
– What language/diagrams/charts/graphs/photos/etc. optimally convey the essential information?
– How should you arrange the brochure? What is the most logical/sequential presentation of the
information? What fonts/colors/text size are most appropriate for your audience?
– How much detail does your audience need? How will you explain difficult concepts?
– What would make someone in your target population want to read this brochure?
– How can your brochure have maximum impact?


Some helpful advice:
– You will need to learn a lot more about your chosen subject matter than you can include in a onepage brochure. The more you know about your topic, the easier it will be to decide what
information to include and what to leave out.
– Before you develop the brochure, consider asking ‘real world’ members of your target population
about your chosen subject. What do they already know about it? What are they curious or
uncertain about? Do they have any misunderstandings? What essential information do they need?
– After you’ve drafted the brochure, consider presenting it to ‘real world’ members of your target
population and ask them for feedback. Was anything difficult to understand? Did they find the
brochure engaging? Would they want to read it? Did they have any questions that weren’t
answered? What could make it better?
– The most effective brochures make optimal use of space without crowding. Watch out for too
much dead/white space, large blocks of monotonous text, and pictures/graphs/charts/etc. that do
not substantially contribute to understanding the subject matter. Adelphi University Make a Public Health Informational Brochure
– Several resources have been made available to you in the ‘Informational Brochure Assignment’
block in Moodle… use them!
On the assignment due date, both the brochure and the ‘Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet’ must be
submitted in two formats:
a) A color hard-copy of the brochure, folded as intended to be distributed and stapled to a print out of
the Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet
b) a .pdf file of the brochure and a .pdf or .doc file of the Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet must
be uploaded into the appropriate dropboxes in Moodle
Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet
Instructions: Complete each of the following questions. Answers must be no longer than 50 words each.
1) Student Name:
2) Brochure Subject:
Why did you choose this brochure subject?
3) Brochure Target Population:
Why did you choose this target population?
4) Research Sources:
Describe your research and brochure development process:
5) Dissemination Plans:
6) Other information:

Public Health Brochure Summary Sheet


Instructions:  Complete each of the following questions. Answers must be no longer than 50 words each.





1) Student Name:



2) Brochure Subject:


Why did you choose this brochure subject?



3) Brochure Target Population:


Why did you choose this target population?



4) Research Sources:


Describe your research and brochure development process:

5) Dissemination Plans: Adelphi University Make a Public Health Informational Brochure

6) Other information: