HLTH 2001 RUC Telehealth Report on Behavior and Lifestyle Paper

HLTH 2001 RUC Telehealth Report on Behavior and Lifestyle Paper

HLTH2001 S1 2022: Assessment Task 4
Case Study Report
Scenario 1:
You are currently employed as a speech pathologist within a rehabilitation centre in a major
Australian city. Many of your patients reside several hundreds of kilometers away in remote towns
and have to travel to see you for their appointments due to the lack of specialists in these areas.
Despite the need for ongoing therapy, a high percentage of your patients (over 20%) have
prematurely stopped attending their therapy sessions due to the numerous stresses placed on
them to travel and see you face-to-face.
Over 50% of your patients are school aged children, with another 30% over the age of 70. Along
with yourself, there is a team of other healthcare specialists within the rehabilitation centre
including, but not limited to, a clinical psychologist, 3 x physiotherapists, radiologist,
dermatologist and 4 x GPs. HLTH 2001 RUC Telehealth Report on Behavior and Lifestyle Paper
The centre manager has asked you to submit a report that outlines why and how the
implementation of a telehealth service within the centre would assist in overcoming the high
patient drop-off rate, with consideration to other benefits and risks for the overall centre staff and


Your report must include the following:
Title Page
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Scenario 2:
You are a dermatologist working at a metro-based skin cancer clinic. In March 2020, the Covid19 global pandemic spread throughout the world and the way in which health care was to be
delivered, changed almost overnight.
During these times you have many scheduled appointments, many of which are patients with
moles that require urgent checks.
You need to adapt your service model quickly and effectively and submit a report to the clinic
manager on how the implementation of a teledermatology service will be able to provide effective
and safe patient-centred care. Your report must also address any potential risks and challenges,
and how these may be overcome.
Your report must include the following:
Title Page
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Scenario 3:
As a wellness coach your main focus is to assist your clients to find new ways to inspire and create
healthier habits through health and wellness. You use a variety of motivational interviewing
techniques and educational tools to provide support and encouragement throughout all your
services, the main ones being:
• Nutrition coaching
• Counselling
• Meditation
• Exercise prescription
The primary goal is for your clients to form positive long-term changes in both behaviour and
Most of your clients subscribe to a variety of yourservices.
As such, you are looking for ways to run your business more effectively and efficiently by
incorporating both online (synchronous and asynchronous) and face-to-face services.
You must submit a report that outlines how this could best be achieved with reference to modern
technologies that could be implemented. Your report must also address any potential risks and
challenges, and how these may be overcome. HLTH 2001 RUC Telehealth Report on Behavior and Lifestyle Paper
Your report must include the following:
Title Page
Table of contents
Executive Summary
HLTH2001: Assessment Task 4 (S1 2022)
Marking Criteria Detail Marks
Executive Summary
Outlines overall purpose of
the report – usually the last
thing you write
• Clarify your report focus
• Summarise theoretical approach and most significant findings
Overview of the entire report
– contextualise yourresearch
and highlight its relevance
• The background, purpose of the report, scope of your research
• Description of the problem/issue at hand (supported by up to date
and relevant information and data
• Relate the report to relevant issues discussed in the course (1mark)
• Explanation of relevant concepts/terms
Critically analyse the findings
from a telehealth approach,
their significance and develop
an argument thatsupports your
recommendations section.
Interpretthe research, options
considered and determine
whether or not has provided a
sufficient solution.
• Description of telehealth-enabled model/s
• Relevant background info (origin/current use)
• Explore and substantiate:
– the clinical utility and efficacy related to telehealth that is relevant to
the health issue/s and the current clinical guidelines /position
– expected benefits relative to the scenario,
– provide relevant evidence-based examples/current evidence to
support your arguments that are relevant to the scenario,
– overview of resource requirements, including (but not limited to)
equipment, ICT and operations
• Explore considerationsforsuccessful implementation,sustainability,
compliance, and privacy/security related aspects
Conclusion • Reinforce the points raised in the discussion
• Consolidate your findings & outline existing gaps or problems that will
be addressed in the recommendations section
Recommendations • Suggest solutions to the problem highlighted in the body/conclusion
of your report
Critical analysis • Demonstrate critical reasoning and synthesis of evidence
• Strong association between health issue/s and telehealth solution
• Use of appropriate quality peer-reviewed evidence to support
• Balanced, reasoned assessment. HLTH 2001 RUC Telehealth Report on Behavior and Lifestyle Paper
Structure/academic writing • Demonstrated academic writing ability
• Logicalstructure
• Referencing using Vancouver style
• Follow recommend formatting requirements
• Use coversheet/Turnitin
Total 35