Ques/5 TR

Instructions: Response must be at least 310 words written in current APA format with at least two academic references cited. References must be within the last five years. Response must extend, correct/refute, or add additional nuance.Conceptual Models & TheoriesIn the field of nursing, conceptual models are composed to address phenomena pertaining to human beings, health, the environment, and the field of nursing itself, (Fawcett, 2017). Conceptual models are significant in guiding practical nursing activities in advanced practice nursing as they contribute to advancing knowledge in patient care and related health care outcomes. An example of a conceptual model is Dorothy E. Johnson’s behavioral system model which views human beings to be behavioral systems in which we have patterns, repetitive practices, and purposeful acts of behavior that compose our lives, (Fawcett, 2017). Upon evaluation of this conceptual model, it proves that the ability to achieve balance in one’s behavioral system by means of maintaining, restoring, or attaining stability at the highest possible level for an individual is accessible. There are various subsystems of this behavioral system model that intertwine and affect the other subsystems, which is why the integrated approach of advanced practice nursing is essential for achieving patient-specific positive outcomes. As part of the guidelines for applying Johnson’s behavioral system model into nursing practice includes practice problems to anticipate and be prepared for real life instances; “practice problems of particular interest include all conditions in which behavior is a threat to health or in which illness is found”, (Fawcett, 2017, p. 28). By being well prepared on how to handle potential circumstances and situations in which may negatively impact our health or cause us illness, we will obtain better knowledge in the nursing community and have the upper hand to prevent or know how to handle such occurrences in a collective manner.The role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) is specially trained and educated to work with patients of all ages, and through all aspects of their lives. The APN must also know and understand their patients’ behaviors and values, such as what they spend their time doing, where they spend their time and their learning styles, in order to get to know their patients on a personal level, (Hamric et al., 2014). Getting to know their patients on a personal level better enables the APN to fulfill their duty of establishing a channel of communication that resonates with their patient to facilitate compliance of the APN’s guidance and education regarding patient specific health promotion, and disease prevention in continuum of care related from studied theories and conceptual models such as Johnson’s behavioral system.In addition to this conceptual model, a theory that relates to the application of advanced practice nursing includes modeling and role-modeling theory. Utilized by holistic nurses, this theory centers focus upon the patient and the patient’s “being” also known as their being present physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually, (Schultz, 2020). Similar to Johnson’s behavioral system, the goal of modeling and role-modeling theory is to achieve maximum integration and highest level of well-being of body, mind, and soul, (Schultz, 2020). In order to establish such a mindset, there must be a relationship between patient and health care provider to facilitate achievement and lead to optimal health care outcomes. This theory encompasses the idea that it takes both the health care provider and the patient to work together as the provider has knowledge and resources, and each individual patient is unique and can understand the ways that they need assistance. I believe this to be true as it relates to the APN role of collecting subjective information from the patient to then be able to provide knowledge from evidence-based practices to implement treatment plans, education, and recommendations to our patients.