Deliverable 5 – Statistics and Quality Methods

CompetencyApply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.Course ScenarioChaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:Emergency room      servicesIntensive careSurgical careObstetricsDiagnostic      servicesSome      rehabilitation therapiesInpatient      pharmacy servicesGeriatric      services andConsumer      physician referral servicesRecently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and satisfactorily resolve them.Scenario ContinuedYour CEO has requested that you provide employee training on Quality Improvement. You have done an initial survey of patient satisfaction, and the CEO has asked you to explain how the data will be analyzed, using this initial data.Given the variety of complaints coming from both employees and patients, it is critical for everyone to understand the importance of conducting the survey and obtaining solid data.QuestionGreat5Good4OK3Fair2Poor1No   ResponseTotalFacility and ConvenienceHours   of Operations10173010040Convenience   of location1015533440Cleanliness1114843040Waiting   time in reception area9160411040Comfort   while waiting2010550040StaffExplained   procedure179806040Questions   answered1115723240Friendly   and helpful215572040Knowledgeable   and professional621433040Modesty   respected1214806040Confidentiality   respected (HIPAA)10101451040Overall SatisfactionOverall   impression of visit300532040Willingness   to return310900040Likelihood   of referring to others320431040Respondents were also asked about their wait times. Here is the data on wait times:Number respondingWait time before being checked in   at Reception410 minutes1615 minutes820 minutes1225 minutesNumber respondingWait time before being seen by a   healthcare professional210 minutes615 minutes1020 minutes2225 minutesInstructionsYou are to create an agenda for the training and a memo with bullet points to present the statistical analysis of the initial data. The memo should include an explanation of each of the statistical results. In particular, you should be able to explain what the results mean to the facility.Determine the percentages of the following:Percent who      responded with a 5 (Great) on “Overall impression of the visit”Percent who      responded with a 2 (Fair) or 1 (Poor) on “Overall impression of the      visit”Percent who responded      with a 5 (Great) on “Willingness to return”Percent who      responded with less than 5 on “Willingness to return”In the area of      “Facility and Convenience,” which indicator had the highest      percentage of 5 (Great) responses? Which had the lowest?In the area of      “Staff,” which indicator had the highest percentage of 5 (Great)      responses? Which had the lowest?What is the mean waiting time in the reception area?What is the mean waiting time to see a healthcare professional?Microsoft Word has many memo templates. In your memo, be sure to address each statistical analysis and what it means to the facility. Why ask these questions? How could the data be used for quality improvement?NOTE – APA formatting, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form required.