Evergreen Valley College Immunology Discussion

Evergreen Valley College Immunology Discussion


Using the MedlinePlus site (Links to an external site.) https://medlineplus.gov/autoimmunediseases.html#ca…

Search for an autoimmune disease (i.e. SLE, rheumatoid arthritis) that you are interested in and share the information you learned using the following guidelines:

Share a concise summary of the topic you chose, cite your reference, and attach a copy of the article(s) you used. Be sure to give a background of the topic first and then add new information from an article written within the past 5 years. Use articles that have been published by reputable institutions. Sites ending in .gov or .edu are reliable sources. Please use your own words. You may paraphrase, but don’t copy the article word for word as that is considered plagiarism and may result in a grade of “0.”

The entry should include:

  • a general description of the medical condition
  • specific disturbance to the body caused by the autoimmune disease
  • treatments already available or in the works


Be sure to check the rubric for details on grading parameters.

Using the MedlinePlus site (Links to an external site.) https://medlineplus.gov/autoimmunediseases.html#ca…

Search for an autoimmune disease (i.e. SLE, rheumatoid arthritis) that you are interested in and share the information you learned using the following guidelines:

Share a concise summary of the topic you chose, cite your reference, and attach a copy of the article(s) you used. Be sure to give a background of the topic first and then add new information from an article written within the past 5 years. Use articles that have been published by reputable institutions. Sites ending in .gov or .edu are reliable sources. Please use your own words. You may paraphrase, but don’t copy the article word for word as that is considered plagiarism and may result in a grade of “0.”

The entry should include:

a general description of the medical condition
specific disturbance to the body caused by the autoimmune disease
treatments already available or in the works
Be sure to check the rubric for details on grading parameters.