BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment

BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment


Your boss, the Director of Human Resources at a prominent academic hospital, has asked you to prepare a two-part expository PowerPoint presentation to new employees during orientation. Your PowerPoint is to familiarize new staff from both clinical and administrative departments with the most common clinical and healthcare management terminology, to which they will be exposed and expected to use on their new job. Terminology shared should include aspects of taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies, and nomenclatures used in healthcare settings. A minimum of three slides should be dedicated to each department. Finally, include a section devoted to how management and clinical departments communicate for patient care. Provide examples for at least two levels of care (inpatient, outpatient, nursing facility, etc.).

While preparing to complete this presentation, think about the following questions:

  • What information will you include in your PowerPoint slides?
  • What notations will you make in the speaker’s notes for your boss to stress?
  • How will you organize the material so that it will be presented effectively for new employees exposed to terminology that you use daily? BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment



  • This assignment must be a Microsoft® PowerPoint®. Include extensive speaker notes. Slides should be uncluttered.
  • The presentation should be a minimum of 12, but no more than 14 slides. Be sure to include a title and reference slide.
  • Provide specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements noted in the assignment introduction.
  • Your presentation should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your PowerPoint must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your PowerPoint should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing/speaker notes should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Be sure to include both in-text citations and reference listings for all sources. A separate slide at the end of your presentation should contain a list of references, in APA 7th edition format. Use the assigned reading, the Library, and the internet for scholarly research. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment
  • Criterion 1: Properly Assess Medical Terminology, Taxonomies, and Nomenclature
  • Terminology shared includes all aspects of the following used in healthcare settings:
    ● taxonomies
    ● clinical vocabularies
    ● terminologies
    ● nomenclatures
  • Criterion 2: Identify Common Medical Terminology
  • Presentation correctly presents six or more slides common medical terminology utilized by:
    ● Clinicians (3+ slides)
    ● Healthcare Administrators (3+ slides
  • Criterion 3: Applies Medical Terminology in Healthcare Setting
  • Specific examples are shared to exhibit use of medical terminology in multiple workplace scenarios
    ● Includes extensive speaker notes of two or more paragraphs per slide
  • Criterion 4: Continuum of Care
  • Presentation includes specific examples of how management and clinical departments interact for a patient from the continuum of care for at least two levels
  • Criterion 5: Sources
  • Supports all opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information.
    ● A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed sources are utilized.
  • Criterion 6: Length Requirements, Writing, Grammar, and APA
  • Few or no errors in writing, mechanics, APA style, and citation
    ● Cites sources using APA style.
    ● Includes in-text citations.
    ● Makes authorship clear when using quotation marks.
  • Analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies and nomenclature used in health care settings.
  • Student work displays an ability to analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies, and nomenclatures aligned to specific health care settings. All elements are identified, defined, and presented accurately. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment
  • Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English [Note: Standard English is the common language of educated professionals and is understood by people across different geographical regions,Student work includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization. Communication is highly ordered, logical and unified. The assignment displays exceptional content, organization, style and mechanics. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment