Assignment: NUR646 Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

Assignment: NUR646 Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

NUR646 Nursing Education Seminar 1

Week 1 Assignment

Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

For this program, you will be creating a working electronic portfolio that can be utilized when trying to obtain a position as a nurse educator. The electronic portfolio will encompass several artifacts from your practicum courses. Use the “Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio,” resource to guide you in collecting the required artifacts for this. You will submit the completed electronic portfolio in NUR-665E.


Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

Throughout the seminar course, you will develop a professional electronic portfolio that will be used for personal reflection and growth; and for employment applications and interviews upon completion of the program.

As you complete various portions of the seminar, you should identify and incorporate artifacts into your portfolios to demonstrate your accomplishments. Assignment: NUR646 Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

The electronic portfolio should include the following:

1.            Introductory statement to your portfolio

2.            Professional Resume/CV

3.            Nurse Educator Teaching Philosophy

4.            Written Objectives

5.            Lesson Plan

6.            One additional artifact that demonstrates mastery of the course. This could possibly be pulled from your clinical experience

In addition, you will need to include explanations of mastery for each artifact.

Students will submit their completed portfolios at the end of the course.

Students can use any one of a number of free electronic portfolio software programs. Some recommendations include the following:

•             Google Sites

•             Evernote

•             Three Ring

•             Weebly 

When selecting a program, be sure it is one that can be marked or set as ‘private’ so that only you can allow access to the content. You will be asked to submit your e-folio for review periodically throughout the program by providing your instructor with the URL link. Assignment: NUR646 Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio

As health professionals, nurses are responsible for staying abreast of current professional knowledge and managing their own career, professional growth and development, and ideally, practices to support these activities should start during their student years. Interest in electronic or eportfolios is gathering momentum as educationalists explore their potential as a strategy for fostering lifelong learning and enhancing on-going personal and professional development. In this paper, we present an overview of e-portfolios and their application to nurse education, highlighting potential benefits and considerations of useage. We argue that the e-portfolio can represent an authentic means of assessing cognitive, reflective and affective skills. Furthermore, the e-portfolio provides a means through which nurses can record and provide evidence of skills, achievements, experience, professional development and on-going learning, not only for themselves, but for the information and scrutiny of registration boards, employers, managers and peers. Assignment: NUR646 Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio