Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment

Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment

Roles of Healthcare Professionals

This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. Reflect on the roles of nurses, and other healthcare professionals as the roles of physicians in the healthcare system move from one of working in silos to a more progressive value-based system. Write a paper that discusses in detail why a value-based system may improve health care in the U. S. and address the following questions:

1) How has current policy transformed the current practice of nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals?
2) What distinction can you make between physicians/healthcare providers working in a fee-for-service system and a value-based care system?
3) How do you view shared power between physicians and nurses in your healthcare system? How does it impact care?


Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment


Roles of Healthcare Professionals


Patients’ outcome is significantly determined by what is done together rather than what are accomplished for them in silos as the future of healthcare communications and effectiveness in care delivery are connected teams (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). Different factors have influenced the change from silo-based to value-based care models. These include rising costs, increasing aging population, innovative technologies, high staff burnout, and administrative complexity. As a priority, the global healthcare stakeholders are dedicated to inventing solutions and strategies to balance the sector. Increasingly, the healthcare community is establishing collaboration as a transition from a wasteful and siloed care delivery model to more value-based, patient-centered and productive healthcare.

Adopting value-based healthcare connects clinicians with their primary purpose of healing by supporting their professionalism, hence being a powerful mechanism to counter clinician burnout (Teisberg, Wallace & O’Hara, 2020). Linked with better outcomes, reduced spending by improving patients’ health experience, the value-based approach has redefined the roles of nurses and other care professionals by recognizing collaboration approach over individualism in their daily operations as caregivers. This paper discusses the impact of the change from siloed care model to a value-based system of healthcare professional roles and why the system may improve healthcare in the US.

How the Current Policy Has Transformed the Current Practice of Nurses, Physicians, and other Healthcare Professionals

The adoption of value-based policy in the healthcare industry has seen a much-needed revolution in care delivery and the impact on nurses and other professionals’ practice. According to Teisberg et al. (2020), there has been no doubt that nurses, among other professionals in the healthcare industry, have assumed roles to improve health, increase value, and advance health. The policy has seen an increased shift from a disease focus to care to promote health and the best patient experience across the continuum. The policy has fostered the need for a teamwork approach in healthcare delivery as nurses and other professionals have been required to partner with patients and their close friends and families in understanding their social environment and subsequently engage in devising care strategies that would address patient-defined patient outcomes. Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment

Secondly, the policy has recognized teamwork as a significant face in delivering the best patient experience by gaining greater awareness of the diverse resources across the continuum and community needed so that patients can be aligned or accorded support needed for maximal wellness. Tracking outcomes has become a significant unit if the measure for effectiveness and leading the healthcare players to ensure excellence will demand outstanding teamwork for excellence to be registered across departments, roles, and responsibilities. The different professionals working in the healthcare industry can no longer choose to take a back seat. For example, it has become the time for nurses to take their role at the center of patient care, equally taking lean in implementing the policy to make healthcare more patient-based and quality fueled.

The policy has led to the recognition of teamwork and integrated care delivery. This is whereby different professionals work together to complement each other’s role and devise the best, affordable, and quality care practice for a patient (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). Additionally, with patients recognized as a significant part of the value-based policy, healthcare professionals have focused their input on receiving the best patient experience. This has, in turn, put the professionals to train on how to deliver the best patient experience. These include learning skills such as effective communication, empathy, stress management, time management, flexibility, and teamwork.

The distinction between Physicians/Healthcare Providers Working in a Fee-For-Service System and a Value-Based Care System

The revolution in the healthcare industry is seeing increasing adoption of value-based care models over the traditional fee-for-service. Equally, the transition is redefining the role of caregivers regarding care delivery. The primary difference between the two care delivery strategies is that, while fee-for-service, the professionals’ remunerations are directly aligned with the number of patients served, the valued-based approach views the quality of care provided and patient outcome as central metric units, hence defining how the physicians should be rewarded.

Secondly, professionals in value-based approaches work as a team, collaborating to provide the best patient outcome and the lasting solution to the problem at hand. However, in the fee-for-service model, the physicians’ and clinicians’ contribution is individualized, meaning each care provider works on his/her line of expertise on the patients’ needs (University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2020). The collaborative approach to care delivery in value-based care has led to the recognition and adoption of different stakeholders, deemed less necessary in the fee-for-service care model. These include the nurse informatics and IT experts as part of the team. In value-based care, physicians have actively depended on informatics input in decision making and formulating the best care model for a patient. Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment

Regarding the fee-for-service approach, the teamwork approach is minimized, which reduces the collaboration approach as physicians give their advice and treatment in accordance with their best-known practice and not the best suited for patient needs. In value-based care, quality comes first, directly tethered to reimbursements, incentivizing care providers to prioritize patients and their needs. Fee-for-service sees monetary gain as the primary motivating incentive for the care providers.

Patient position in the healthcare industry determines the role and relationship of nurses and the patient. In the value-based approach, the patient is an integral part of the team in deciding the best care practice. This, in turn, redefines the role of physicians as healers and informers. They instill the patients with understanding and knowledge, facilitating the best quality and available treatment. The fee-for-service approach sees minimal recognition of patients as part of their team, hence seeing minimized contribution by professional caregivers in comparing diverse care practices to settle for the best. Finally, as quality is recognized as a major defining factor in the value-based care model, nurses and physicians are motivated to gain more skills and knowledge, which would make them better in terms of decision making and deciding the best for their patients. Unlike the case in the value-based model, the fee-for-service approach sees individualism on a high level, as physicians, among other experts, view themselves as the best, hence less motivated to learn from others towards improving their skills in care delivery.

View On Shared Power between Physicians and Nurses in Healthcare System & How Does It Impact Care

Shared power between physicians and nurses means collaboration and working together, sharing responsibilities towards devising lasting solutions to problems and making decisions to formulate the best patient care experience. Despite the complexity and revolution witnessed in the healthcare industry, collaboration among healthcare professionals has provided a path towards improving healthcare services in hospitals and other facilities. The shift towards value-based care has seen recognition and the need for teamwork among professionals. Nurse physician collaboration and cooperation in the sector can positively impact patient outcomes while lowering the care cost, increasing the professionals’ job satisfaction, and improving patient safety (Elsous, Radwan & Mohsen, 2017). On the other, communication between different professionals is considered as an integral part of the value-based care and information flow in the care industry. Through the shared power, mutual respect and recognition of each other’s roles and differences are defined, hence fostering cohesion and motivation in every profession to deliver the best patient experience. For example, in Alberta, Canada the shared power has fostered a reliable care workforce with reference to addressing patient needs.

The paradigm of shared power and inter-professional experience has fostered safety and quality in the healthcare industry, hence building an environment best for patient care and outcome. Adopting a collaborative approach in care delivery has improved patient outcomes in reducing preventable negative drug reactions and decreased mortality and morbidity among patients. To the professionals, shared power has been aligned with a unique way to address the shortage of workers and reduce burnout and extra work while increasing job satisfaction (Aghamohammadi et al., 2019). Healthcare leaders and managers have found it easy to implement their role to teams over individual workers. In turn, shared power among healthcare professionals has provided a basic unit for integrated care delivery, making the process more effective and successful for a value-based care system linked with the desired patient outcome. Roles Of Healthcare Professionals Assignment


Why a Value-Based System May Improve Health Care in the U. S

The lack of a uniform healthcare system and the need to regulate the ever-rising cost of healthcare in the United States has led to government and stakeholders devising strategies to deliver affordable quality care. This quest for better and quality services has led to the adoption of a value-based system linked to a patient-based care model. In order to add value, the shift from fee-for-service to a value-based care model has revolutionized the health industry. In addition to providing an affordable path to healthcare services, the value-based approach has improved healthcare in the US by providing the best care practices and maximizing available resources. The system has promised quality care, increased research, and recognition of professionals’ input in the care delivery process (Teisberg et al., 2020). Other reasons include; reducing the cost of care services, increased patient satisfaction, reduced medical errors, improved care coordination, and promoting healthy habits.


In a recap, the change in healthcare and the widespread adoption of value-based care requires strong collaboration, openness, trust, and strong partnerships between all stakeholder groups. This change has redefined the roles of nurses and other professionals working in the health industry towards being more team players providing patient-based care, resulting in more influence on care quality and patient experience. The care delivery process has become a teamwork approach, demanding each of the professionals to perform their duties as part of the team. Adopting value-based care has shifted the industry to more effective control measures regarding cost and workers’ management. In the US, the value-based model has provided a care improvement model benefiting patients, care providers, more robust cost control, and overall positive and better patient outcome and experience. The policy may be a significant breakthrough regarding redefining the US healthcare system, which has been viewed as the most expensive and lacks a well-recognized healthcare system.


Aghamohammadi, D., Dadkhah, B., & Aghamohammadi, M. (2019). Nurse-Physician Collaboration and the Professional Autonomy of Intensive Care Units Nurses. Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine23(4), 178–181.

Elsous, A., Radwan, M., & Mohsen, S. (2017). Nurses and Physicians Attitudes toward Nurse-Physician Collaboration: A Survey from Gaza Strip, Palestine. Nursing research and practice2017, 7406278.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing. Orthopedic nursing36(1), 12–25.

Teisberg, E., Wallace, S., & O’Hara, S. (2020). Defining and Implementing Value-Based Health Care: A Strategic Framework. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges95(5), 682–685.

University of Alabama at Birmingham. (2020, July 27). Fee-for-service vs. value-based healthcare. UAB Online Degrees. Retrieved November 27, 2021, from